
Lipton pays tribute to striving Traffic Cops with #100DaysOfSummer

Aishwaria Sonavane
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Lipton pays tribute to striving Traffic Cops with #100DaysOfSummer
With the scorching heat of mid-Summer haunting people even behind shut doors and windows, the story is even more horrific on streets. While most of us can choose to avoid this, there’s someone who stands through the heat without sulking. Lipton Ice Tea hoping to shower some joy with #100DaysOfSummer brings out the tight spot of the traffic police holding their feet strong under the merciless heat through their digital campaign.

A summer of 100 days

Lipton Ice Tea held on to season of summer to branch out their campaigns heading under #100DayOfSummer.  Being the first ones to launch a campaign in the theme of summer within the digital sphere, Liptop Ice Tea established itself to be the ultimate therapy for heat.

The recent film of over 1 minute filmed traffic police principally conducting their duties without complaining. The film listed how 6250 traffic cops battle the traffic and heat against 1.5 crore vehicles in the capital city under the brutal temperature of 40 degrees.

In the video, the brand took it up to share some joy through their beverage by distributing bottles of ice tea to the unsung heroes working at unbearable hours during the day. Through this commendable gesture the brand encouraged viewers to go ahead and do the same and help these heroes of our streets.

Outcome of the campaign

A simple gesture touches heart in a big way, can be witnessed through this campaign. Under #100DaysOfSummer Lipton Ice Tea posted various films, GIFs and interactive illustrations taking their brand on a rise by sticking to one single hashtag and abiding by the theme.

The campaign held credibility, as it did not just run a campaign in an area interviewing a few cops, but went in detail by stating the figures and facts of the traffic scenario.

Social media branches of #100DaysOfSummer

Keeping the campaign hashtag and the product at the core, various videos were built around it where the campaign introduced various summer recipes with the beverage through videos and GIF’s

They also brought out the various flavors of the Ice Tea where an interesting GIF was created to induce interaction and people were urged to send in their desired flavor between lemon, peach or mint and lemon.

Running with an absolutely self-explanatory #100DaysOfSummer the campaign managed to touch upon various events going around right from the T20 World Cup to Mother’s Day. Aiming to maintain interaction and keeping their social media absolutely active through the days of summer, the brand managed to keep up with various illustrations, questions and GIFs everything revolving around summer.

Beverage for thought

Lipton introduced a unique trend to drag a campaign under one hashtag for an entire season, unlike brands who usually introduce campaign in phases if not briefly. This aided the campaign to stand apart and create a firm hold on their audience thus making Lipton Ice Tea a strong holding beverage in the social media space.

Along with that, through this campaign the brand showcased its sensitivity and responsibility towards the society by not only spreading a good message but executing it first themselves.

digital summer campaigns Lipton Ice tea Summer theme campaigns traffic police Summer beverage social media campaigns for summer peach ice tea mint lemon ice tea lipton campaign lemon ice tea #100DayOfSummer