
Louis Philippe cracks up social media with #LabourOfLaughter

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Louis Philippe cracks up social media with #LabourOfLaughter


Louis Philippe


Jack in the Box Worldwide

Combining the celebration of Labor Day on May 1 and World Laughter Day on the first Sunday in May, Jack in the Box Worldwide strung up the best of both days by creating #LabourOfLaughter for Louis Philippe.


Since World Laughter Day and Labour Day coincided this year, they thought of rejoicing the excellence of famous comedians, who have blurred the lines between their professional and personal identities, to entertain us with their comic timing, all year round.


They selected four comic artists - Robin Williams, Rowan Atkinson, Jay Leno, and Charlie Chaplin. These comedians were selected on the basis of their work, their connection with the audience and whether they fit the brand image.

jack 1 jack 2 jack 3

They chose to represent them through words that they have said, that highlight their dedication towards their craft. Lastly, in order to depict them, the brand decided that the best way was through caricatures, so as to enhance the comic feeling of the posts.


#LabourofLaughter was an entire organic activity. Engaging visuals and a captivating quote or text record higher resonance with audiences across the board. They combined the two in caricature-led creatives which were shared across Louis Philippe's social media assets.

On Facebook, the campaign reached 2003 people, received a total of engagement of 38 and 458 post clicks.

On Twitter, the Charlie Chaplin post received a total of 548 impressions, engagement of 31, while Robin Williams received impression and engagement of 759 and 22 respectively.  Rowan Atkinson aka Mr. Bean post received an engagement of 31 and 718 impressions and finally Jay Leno received 663 impressions and engagement of 18.

And the final post received an impression of 774 and engagement of 25. On Instagram, the brands post received 103 views.

The campaign managed to connect with end users basis quality content and right push.

#LabourDay celebrity campaigns Social Media Campaigns Louis Philippe Jay Leno Rowan Atkinson May 1st Louis Philippe's social media laughter campaigns Williams Charlie Chaplin #WorldLaughterDay #LabourOfLaughter Jack in the box worldwide