
KFC and McDonald’s the #UnlikelyFriends of socialverse

Aishwaria Sonavane
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KFC and McDonald’s the #UnlikelyFriends of socialverse
A core part of our contemporary web-age lifestyle demands us to cherish our deep emotions on the screens; through social media Friendship’s Day emerged as another opportunity for digital buffs to post some throwbacks, savour moments, memories and self-define friendships posting with their BFF’s. Brands too following the tradition are wearing their creativity caps on to garner some likes and tweets.

With Friendship’s Day nearing, KFC this year has become the debutante brand to put its foot and induct this theme on the social platform boosting the trend.

Seeking a friendly advice from fans

Similar to friendship, KFC churned out a witty, interactive, and thoughtful campaign, which ran on the responses of their fans, making it entirely crowd funded with just a gentle funneling through their campaign hashtag of #UnlikelyFriend.

To commemorate this occasion, the brand pushed in their product preceding the campaign which was titled exclusively for the day, ‘Friendship Bucket,’ introduced with a heartfelt film, #KFCFriendshipBucket. 

Later, came in the campaign which drew some light on their product and also engaged their audience on Twitter in an eccentric conversation. They triggered their fans through a question which asked them, “Which likely pair do you think should share this Friendship Bucket?”

And then began the response game where twitteratis brought out their amusing side through abundant tweets. The audience responses were ranging from Bollywood contenders, cricket frenemies to even big brand competitors.

Through this flood of tweets, KFC went ahead and chose the tweet as the campaign winner, which asked the brand to extend a Bucket of Friendship to its biggest competitor, McDonalds.

Friendship over Twitter

Quite tiny in nature, this campaign hit the hammer on the nail through a bang on contest which brought out a different facet of brand initiatives on the digital forum. It produced a campaign which we personally believe, people would be intrigued to participate in; KFC took up this opportunity to rise itself with a sweet gesture.

Apart from being crowd funded, the brand, also managed to push in its product stringing in with the theme which usually is practiced by fast-food chains. In case of McDonald’s, they bring in new toys in their happy meal which usually coincides with the release of an animated movie or series. Also, KFC got itself to be in the list of social media brand banters, which in the social media history ends up getting rich attention.

Scripted or not, this campaign surely had an interesting conclusion to it which puts the brand under positive light, now all social media eyes are on McDonald’s awaiting for their response in this playful chitchat.

brand banters mcdonalds Twitter Campaign #UnlikelyFriends Twitter brand conversations Social media and fast food chains McDonald's twitter campaigns KFC twitter KFC 2016 campaigns Friendship's Day campaign fast food chains on twitter kfc #KFCFriendshipBucket