
Snapchat gets up close and personal with Bitmojis

Mohammad Kanchwala
Updated On
New Update
Snapchat gets up close and personal with Bitmojis
Ever since Snapchat acquired Bitstrips for a $100 million dollars in March this year, the clock had been ticking on when and how would the app incorporate bitstrips it into their core app.

Bitstrips as many would remember is the company that gave us Bitmoji, the app that lets users create custom emoji avatars of themselves.

As it were gaining popularity among users, Bitmoji represented a lucrative opportunity for Snapchat to neutralize competition of any sort and also make good use of Bitmoji on their own platform.

To use Bitmojis on their phones users will have to download the Bitmoji app on their phones and then link it with Snapchat.

There are also reports that users can ‘Friendmoji’ one another and go on to use each other’s Bitmoji avatars. Users can look forward to an enhanced experience on a more personal level as personalized emojis will increase traffic on the app.

Keeping true to the theme of their recent update, Snapchat announced the amalgamation of their company with Bitmoji with a comic strip on their blog.

Snapchat Bitmoji

The update has been made available for download on Android and iOS app stores and there is a lot of positive speculation around it.

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