
Del Monte Mayo #WorksEveryTime rides on aesthetics

Aishwaria Sonavane
Updated On
New Update
Del Monte
Half of the global kitchen stories that have banked up, this classic condiment mayonnaise has snuggled a generous spot on the shelves. In the quest to highlight the versatility of this product, Del Monte devised a campaign which suggest that mayo magic #WorksEveryTime for assorted recipes, thus positioning it as the ultimate go-to ingredient for amateur home-cooks, working individuals or for the slothful around.

Del Monte Mayo that #WorksEveryTime

Mayonnaise whipped up with flavors can now put together delectable delicacies for slumber parties to sundown soirées. Exactly what Del Monte is trying to tell us with their campaign #WorksEveryTime.

The brand lists out the varied utilities and array of recipes churned out from just the one product filled in Mason jars, the campaign underlines these range of Mayo products leaving the viewers drooling behind their screens, craving for some.

Apart from just blathering about the benefits of their product, the package food and beverage brand spoke volumes about their creation being in harmony with the fast-paced debonair lifestyle, thus putting across their digital content marketing not only as a luscious product but also urban-friendly. This approach of the brand surfaces the thorough research of their target audience and ideation behind this campaign.

Contemporary mundane at times tend to craft uncalled food-related situations like probable mid-night hunger pangs, tiffins at sunup, needy mid-day bites, laid back meals or demands to put together a masterpiece with leftovers- the brand puts one solution for all this, flavored Del Monte mint mayonnaise, cheese dip or their eggless mayonnaise, which as per the brand #WorksEveryTime.

Aesthetical value

Culinary as they say is way more than just pleasure for palates; it ideally should revive all the senses through its texture, taste and touch, now achieving the same through the virtual world is a task that food brands are endeavoring to take up.

As they say, the platter is a bare canvas while food on it is art. Treating their social media handle as a massive plate, the brand chose to embellish their product, rather than dolloping it all over. Desirable enough to indulge, Del Monte emphasized on the aesthetic factor majorly through their creatives, GIFs and presentation, also initiating a contest for netizens.

Fooling around with vibrancy, intense hues and some rhythms through their copies, the brand put across an appetizingly wrapped campaign for their new product. Product marketing though done right lacked enough illustrations, where the brand could have shared some more of these to build further engagement.

Social buzz

Conceptualized by the creative agency Wunderman India Pvt. Ltd hopes to incorporate consumer outreach activities to create usage awareness through recipe brochures and other offline activities.

Revamping its mayonnaise range, these products have recipes printed on the back of the jars, similarly as they were posted on their digital handles. The brand let out recipes or simply ingredients that could be blended with the product, as the pinned vivacious creative of a burger followed by a cheesy rice bowls where the campaign leveraged on the heart and heart-break emoji to build interaction which gained around 2.9k reactions.

The brand also released a very short alluring video which signified how leftovers like eggs, tomatoes or flat-bread with mayonnaise can be united for an appetizing snack, taking this idea forward to boost engagement, the brand also asked the audience to put in their ingredients together and share it with the world through the brand page.

Through a commendable effort, pleasing through aesthetics the brand lacked the deserved engagement probably due to their deprived promotion. Despite that, the creative team (art & copy) deserve a huge round of applauds for their work which enhanced the entire campaign.

As a food brand, Del Monte came across as a sophisticated name in the market, through a digitally stable campaign with more positives in their bank. We look forward to gorge on upcoming foodilicious campaigns from the brand.

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beverage and food brand #WorksEveryTime Del Monte campaign Del Monte food campaigns Wunderman India Pvt. Ltd Mint Mayonnaise home-cooks Eggless mayonnaise Del monte social media Cheese Dips campaigns for food brands