
Social Samosa Agency Feature - Sociowash

Social Samosa
New Update
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Who are we?

Sociowash is a full-service marketing agency with over a year into operations. It has augmented from a single brand to over 40+ brands today.

We are a team of steadfast decision makers who take matters into our own hands and turn possibilities into realities.

Each one of us brings a unique skill set we to the table. We are a funny bunch of result oriented dreamers who work in harmony to offer services of the highest quality. We are powered by several doses of coffee in a day but hold our work to a very high standard. We don’t settle for any work of low standards and therefore, will never offer products that do not meet those criteria.

However, we will always accept free food.

What's in the name?

We come from a background with a certain sense of influence over the digital space and a drive to stand out in the crowd. The name Sociowash reflects the culture of our company, a bunch of unique achievers set out to turn heads where ever we go. We live in a time where every individual has a brand in them, hence, we strongly feel the need to help people achieve it and are gradually move in that space.

What we do?

Empanelling ourselves into the vast arena of marketing we offer a number of specialized services:

Digital Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Search Engine Marketing

Digital Media Planning

Public Relations and Influencer Marketing

Content Strategy

Design Strategy

Search Engine Optimization

Website Development

Oubound/ Offline Marketing

Youth Marketing

ATL and BTL activities

Business Development/ Business Relationship Management

Strategic Partnerships

Creative Solutions

Brand Identity

Communication Design

Product and Packaging Design

Website Interface Design


Video Production

Why we do it?

The industry is evolving every single day and has a promising potential in the next 10 years. Further, we feel there is a need to evolve the quality of services and receive premium quality of work. With the increasing challenges in the digital forum we believe one can never stop growing and there are a lot more avenues, yet to be explored, when it comes to garnering the desired attention from one’s customers.

How we evolve?

Brimming with madness, we create, innovate and appreciate ideas in every form. Today the digital space is growing at a fast and promising pace, expanding the market for the services offered and yet to be introduced. Everyday is met with a new possibility, each idea more refined and polished than its predecessor.

Social responsibility in social media

In the digital age there are two most important social responsibilities a brand should fulfill on social media.

Respond to comments: never make a user feel that your brand is above them, hence it of utmost importance to be transparent and respond to one’s followers’ comments on social media.

Be original and authentic: There is no room for dishonesty on social media, whether it’s a customer, employee or a secret source, somebody will disclose your dirty little secrets no matter how hard you try to cover your tracks.

Need of the hour

With the latest and upcoming technological advancements, what we need is to bring our services at par with the changing times. We humans are complex and fast evolving beings, always looking out for ways to be entertained and things to catch our interests. Hence giving way to the need to explore and develop more interactive ways and thereby create content that sits well in accordance with the advertising laws but also is engaging enough to pique the customer’s interest in a particular brand.

We learned the hard way

As one of the young players in the field, making mistakes was a rite of passage that we had to go through. Some lessons came as a pleasant chapter while some hit us hard.

Quantity may seem appealing but it is the quality that wins the show, hands down.

The customer is always right (not really so)

The credit period can be a long haul, so brace yourselves!

Did we just share that?

One of our client/s drunk e-mailed us in the wee hours of the night, to stop our services and apologized for it the following day admitting they were drunk.

To be honest, we had a good laugh.

They work with us

Starting form a humble set of clients in the initial stage of the company, we have come a long way and have had the good fortune to work with some of the biggest players in their respective industry.


OYO Rooms


Zabadast Hit 95 FM

Panasonic Smart Phones

Educomp Foundation

Crown It



Country Inn


My Greens

Thrill Poker

Hong Kong Trade Development Council

We could go on bragging, but that could take a while, so it’s best we stop here.

Industry as we foresee

The marketing services are one of the fastest growing sectors in the next 10 years. The evolution of technology is gradually taking over the traditional means of advertising. With the introduction of futuristic avenues like augmented and virtual reality the world of marketing is launching head first into the convenience of its customers by providing them a more personalized experience before committing to any product or service offered.

A day without Internet

A day without internet equals an impromptu team outing at the nearest co- working café.

Lastly, are you hiring?


Thrill Poker QikStay Panasonic Smart Phones My Greens Hit 95 FM Radisson Educomp Foundation Crown It Country Inn oyo rooms jabong Hong Kong Trade Development Council EzeeGo1 Zabadast