
PickdUp to offer affordable digital marketing courses

Social Samosa
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PickdUp to offer affordable digital marketing courses, a new e-learning venture, is all set to provide pocket friendly digital courses designed basis research on technology, research and human behavior.

In an increasingly digital world, businesses are looking for talented professionals in the digital marketing space. According to estimates there would be more than 70,000 digital marketing jobs in India at any given point in time. However, according to most businesses there is a lack of trained professionals., a new e-learning venture is helping to bridge this gap by providing an extremely affordable online platform where students can learn essential digital marketing skills required for a job for only Rs 299. It is also available international at a subscription of $2/month

PickdUp, which is backed by faculty from IIT Delhi, IIM Lucknow, and global digital marketing experts has quickly gained a lot of traction with an active community of over 5000 members. We got in touch with their team and tried out their service. The best part of their entire course is the relevance of each topic covered in their digital marketing foundation program. PickdUp analyzes conversations across the web on multiple social media channels. These conversations are fed in to a system that helps their system identify the best topics to create courses. These topics have the highest relevance score.

One of the best things we noticed about their e-learning program was their course completion rate. One of the biggest challenges with e-learning courses is that most students don’t complete courses. All of us have gone through the pain of boring classroom lectures. PickdUp uses data and behavioral research to make sure that courses are engaging. Courses on PickdUp are either in the form of interactive 10 minute quizzes or are in the form of a 2 minute video. These formats before going live are tested through a system to make sure their content is relevant and engaging.

In case you are interested in learning digital marketing and are keen on becoming a successful marketer in a digital world, try subscribing for a course on PickdUp. It costs lesser than a cup of coffee!

Know more about this unique approach to solve education problems through effective use of technology, research and human behavior. Visit

PickdUp training PickdUp Learning Digital Marketing Digital Marketing Training digital marketing in india Digital marketing courses