A quick recap of the first episode of F&M Show, find out what you missed with this video.
A digitalized world is not a phenomenon for tomorrow, but a reality of today. A fad for marketers and consumers, social media is the classic conscious parallel universe with its individual rule book. From a business stand-point, social media marketing is nothing but imperative and a slapdash dive into it can lead to waste of time at best or a massive brand disaster at worst. To cut it short- You need a connoisseur direction and the good news? We got one for you!
An audio-visual, colloquial show by Associate Professor Dr. Falguni Vasavada-Oza and Group Manager- Tech Mahindra Malhar Barai titled F&M Show- curates content coated with heaps of knowledge, experience and immense ingenuity.
F&M Show unplugged
Narrowing down a perceptive towards the significance of digital marketing, people in the industry have realized its necessity in their business. We, at Social Samosa with the motive of influencing the influencer empathize with the need of an expert opinion and thus strive to provide some. Through the F&M Show, they are dedicated to design a digital marketing skeleton for our viewers.
Pairing up with Nitin Bhatia, Director at Agency Relationships at Meltwater the F&M Show hosts discussed around the topic ‘Outside Insights’.
To decipher the title Bhatia shared, “We, today do not have control over a lot of online content available which is why there is no particular way in which we can correlate and bring it all under one platform and give some meaningful insightful. Overall, the topic looks at analyzing content and data beyond the fireball.”
Through this F&M Show, Nitin Bhatia in one of the examples of Outside Insights, talks about how recruiters can inspect the social media lives of potential employees. Nitin also exclaimed on the prospects about getting buckets like advertisement spending, kind of sales and the number of people hired by any particular brand under one roof!
Later, they even posed a question about social listening to him, where he shared how this space is evolving and going beyond just listening of the brand. He even spoke about how these ecosystems are developing and people are getting more conscious and focused about delivering their content.
Further, the conversation crawled towards the detailed career prospects and skills around Outside Insights. Briefly communicating the elements around the topic Nitin post the live streaming was also available to take up questions from the viewers.
Concluding, we just want to assert on what Nitin Bhatia claimed, Outsight Insight will become a jargon with reach that could surpass Big Data (a term introduced by IBM) We might also see certification courses around it.
Hence, through this show, these visionary experts are touching topics and holding conversation that predicts the future of the omnipresent business grandeur of social media marketing.