
Social Samosa Agency Feature - Hungama Digital Services

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Social Samosa Agency Feature - Hungama Digital Services

Who are we?

Hungama Digital Services (HDS), one of India’s leading full-service digital advertising and promotion marketing agencies, is part of the WPP Worldwide group with 51% stake by JWT Singapore. We offer a gamut of digital solutions ranging from creative and promo marketing services, viral marketing campaigns, social media and mobile marketing to applications, websites and video services.

Our clients include a number of Fortune 500 companies across different industries and verticals. Over the years, we have launched over thousands of mobile and digital campaigns for more than hundred brands globally.

We are a team of 115 Hungamaites headed by CEO & CCO, Carlton D’Silva.


Our team consists of profiles like:

Creative Directors

Business Strategists

Client Servicing Managers

Digital Marketing Strategists

Corporate Communications Manager

Social media strategists

Media planners and buyers

Content Strategists

Graphic Designers

Animators & Sound designers

UI/UX Designers


Adding to the above, we leverage our professional network of content writers, photographers, video production houses, SEO & ORM experts among others to provide holistic solutions to our clients.

What's in the name?

Our parent company, Hungama Digital Media Entertainment Pvt. Ltd., which is a 17 year old company, has a saying that “Nobody does Hungama like we do” so when WPP took over the digital agency side of the business it was obvious that we had to retain ‘Hungama’. We firmly believe we are out to create ‘hungama’ and indeed, all that we do is invariably a mix of fun, madness and unbridled enthusiasm. Besides, the word ‘Hungama’ has a nice recall value and we at HDS like it this way.

What we do?

We are a highly awarded digital and promotions marketing agency. It goes to say; we are a full service digital agency with capabilities in digital ideation, production and social media. We offer our clients a gamut of digital solutions ranging from creative and promo marketing services, viral marketing campaigns, social media marketing and mobile marketing to applications, websites and video services.

Why we do it?

Back in the early 2000s digital was a relatively new term and everyone was just coming to terms with the revolution. We pioneered digital and promo marketing engagements in the country and we tapped an opportunity – an opportunity to harness the way brands communicated to the new audience on digital (please note the consumer back then was not yet a user). Our leadership had the foresight of how things would unfold and with the right guidance and direction it was only a matter of time before we had firmly established ourselves in the industry.

How do we evolve?

Our little secret is we constantly unlearn and re-learn the ever-evolving ways of engaging with consumers. We constantly have an eye on future trends and industry insights. We have made sure that everyone in the team is well-trained and equipped to solve new challenges. HDS also has a LAB, which is an incubation center where things are tried out irrespective of a brief. In the last few years we have developed tools or products, which might (or might not) fit in the current infrastructure but which will definitely fit in the near future. The industry is such that you are known by your last good work and hence we continuously strive to create something better than what we did yesterday.

They work with us

Our clients straddle different verticals and industries and include Mahindra, Tata Sky, Godrej Security Solutions, Wipro, Mars Petcare, Singapore Tourism Board, Tata AIA Life, Qyura and Exide among others.

Industry as we foresee

This is the best time to be in the ad industry. In spite having a mainstream media like reach, digital adEx in India continues to languish at 12% (approx. as of Feb 2016); this can only go up. Countries like Australia have already reached 50+%. We foresee the digital adEx going up to 20% in the next couple of years across the board. Everybody has acknowledged and accepted the fact that digital will be an integral part of the so-called mainstream ad industry.

Social media is making a strong impact in the world of marketing and advertising. Thanks to the rise of the millennials and their mobile devices, consumer/users are no longer adapting to new technologies but are unconsciously living and breathing digital. For them it’s a way of life. Brands will be more than happy to engage and converse with their audience and measure it diligently. So the future looks really bright and promising.

A day without Internet

Why are you doing this to us? Even visualizing this is terrifying. While we admit the Internet fuels our bread and butter, our heart goes out to those who continuously check their phones and machines for updates. Think of their plight! If they cannot go 5 minutes without feverishly checking their phones, imagine the withdrawal symptoms during the course of the day! So there have been couple of times when the office Wi-Fi did not support us the way it ought to and people immediately switched to their personal hotspots. The last time we went without Internet for hours at a stretch was when we were at a leadership meet. We had to rush some colleagues to ICU and give them a dose of a 10 MBPS lease line. Thank god the nightmare is over. Next question please.

Lastly, Are you hiring?

The nature of our business is such that we need new talent round the clock. As our requirement is growing on a daily basis we are looking for talent across various aspects of our business.

indian social medi Hungama Digital Services hds Social Media Marketing Social media Hungama Social Media Agencies digital agencies