Pinterest merchants have reason to rejoice as the platform has provided a new aesthetic facelift for businesses to highlight their products in a much more visually appealing manner.
Sellers on Pinterest can now hand pick five Boards to introduce their brand with a rotating showcase that is the first thing a user sees when they visit a the profile. Under the showcase, Pinterest also introduced three sections, namely Boards, Pins, and Shop.
One of the most crucial aspects for a store, online or offline, is a visually appealing and inviting display, which determines the actions of a buyer from thereon.
“You get to decide how you introduce yourself, and how you shape the story of your business.” says Adam Barton, Product Manager at Pinterest on the company’s official blog.
The rotating showcase is set against a completely white background which enhances the visual intrigue of the Pins, with minimal text it provides a richer snapshot of products.
Additionally Pinterest has done their homework well to ensure consistency regardless of which system is being used to access their platform as the company has offered a seamless experience for iPhone, Android, and Pinterest Web users.
Adam Barton adds, “The boards you showcase, the cover images you choose for each board—they look the same no matter where people choose to view your profile.”
Apart from the facelift, Pinterest has granted increased authority to businesses on their platform to control what potential buyers or profile viewers can see. Pinterest has already worked with Burberry, Swanson Broth, Corey Egan Jewelry, Lowe’s, and Monogram, all of whom have customized their profile showcases, and the company has served the brands as inspiration to users who are not quite sure on how best to optimize the new functionality.
Businesses can also choose new cover images for their Boards to highlight any fresh new inclusions onto the existing boards for viewers to see.
As aesthetically pleasing as the new upgrade may be, one can’t help draw comparisons between the new visual showcase and their newest foe in the picture sharing realm, Instagram’s, profile layout.
Both Pinterest and Instagram have made their moves in their newly ignited rivalry, as Instagram tested Buy Buttons on their platform, an exclusive Pinterest functionality. Pinterest went ahead to introduce an Explore tab on their platform, which until recently was an Instagram exclusive.
The new upgrade from Pinterest is being rolled out today, and could yield rich dividends for businesses on the platform.