
Racold attaches the #PowerOfHotShower with cause marketing

Aishwaria Sonavane
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The water heating solution brand Racold, underlining the brand's positioning of 'Reborn Everyday with Hot Water' takes us through the #PowerOfHotShower through an emotional essence.

Outline of the campaign

Through this audio-visual piece, broadly, the brand narrates the quandary of a young man towards his aged parents and how his decision is impacted with a hot shower.

Mr. Anil Bhamre, Head – Marketing, Ariston Thermo India Private Limited , mentions that the reason behind this campaign was two-fold, “We not only wanted to highlight how a hot shower from Racold can refresh and rejuvenate a person both physically and mentally, but also, bring to light a larger social issue that involves the community as a whole."

Making the concept relatable for people who do a lot of thinking in the shower, this campaign with its intense script takes things up a notch where the brand attempts to portray how one hot, peaceful shower can lead to solving a greater dilemma. The protagonist changes his decision of sending his parents to an old age home as he gets a flashback of his merry childhood spent with them.

The artful film is conceptualized by BBDO and produced by Cutawayy Films. "We have planned 3 phases of the campaign as of now, of which current phase will continue till 31st Dec, 2016," Bhamre told Social Samosa.

Social media connect

Cause Marketing becoming more of a fad than a choice has caught up in the market where brands have chosen the social cause they support and thus revolving their ideas around this radius.

Talking largely about how brands attempt to stick up to a cause, Josy Paul, Chairman and Creative Director, BBDO, said, “Brands have the power to resolve conflicts and tensions in society. That’s what you see with this new communication from Racold. The brand offers a wide range of water heating solutions that show us the power of a hot shower. You realize that a shower is more than just a shower; it’s an opportunity to see the world with fresh eyes, a chance to wash away your anxiety and the things that weigh you down and be reborn again. It’s not just a bath, its therapy; and Racold tells us so in the most empathetic way.”

Along with the concept of cause marketing where the brand highlights how people consider sending their parents to old age homes, the brand simultaneously used a story-telling approach by putting flashback scenes in the film and portraying the relationship with his parents over the years thus helping him come to a decision.

Bhavesh Kapadia, Director, Cutawayy Films, elaborated further, “These days it requires a brave client to buy an idea, which is so story-oriented and where the product is just an integral part of the film especially in the category they are advertising. Strong emotions always act as a catalyst where the audience connects with the brand. A simple execution of a very strong emotional idea with a social message will help make the commercial memorable and create a strong brand recall.”

The integrated marketing campaign was launched on digital platforms of YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Pinned on their Facebook page since December 15, the film received 556k views, 1.5k shares and 4.7k reactions.

"We are mainly focusing on television and digital as a mainline medium for this campaign with a 80:20 spends ratio. In digital we will be covering major social media platforms focusing on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter," Bhamre further added. 

The brand just shared this video through their social media page with a message that kept their product in the lead. Though the video managed to grab attention for the brand on social media.

Racold social media strategy Racold social media Racold power of hot showers Racold campaign review #PowerOfHotShowers Racold