
[Case Study] BankBazaar takes a personalized route with #ItsBeenAGoodYear

Social Samosa
New Update


Bankbazaar took to social media to express gratitude towards their fans with a special initiative.

Objective ended the year on a high note by sharing personalized ‘Thank You’ messages with their most loyal followers on Facebook and Instagram with #ItsBeenAGoodYear. The core objective of the campaign was  to increase engagement with meaningful conversations.


Beginning on 8th December, BankBazaar rolled out the campaign interacting with their followers on Facebook and Instagram, by collaborating with musicians and sharing personalized musical messages for them.

With individual messages for their most social media fans, BankBazaar surprised them with an unusual delight that was highly appreciated by many social media users. The brand created 11 songs overall.


#ItsBeenAGoodYear generated more than 1 million impressions across Facebook and Instagram with the help of 11 unique videos created to thank 15 most loyal social media fans.

The videos received around 100k views, and 1.5k shares from Facebook fans.

The campaign netted an overall engagement score of 1.06, thereby successfully connecting with their fans and making them feel special on social media with #ItsBeenAGoodYear

Facebook campaigns banks Social Media Campaigns Bankbazaar Case Studies Facebook social media finance social samosa social media and banks #ItsBeenAGoodYear online portal Instagram Indian Social Media instagram campaigns