
HDFC introduces OnChat - Messenger Chatbot for improved customer service

HDFC Bank has taken their service one step further in the digital world by introducing their very own chatbot on Facebook Messenger.

Mohammad Kanchwala
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HDFC introduces OnChat - Messenger Chatbot for improved customer service
HDFC Bank has taken their service one step further in the digital world by working together with, an artificial intelligence company to introduce their very own chatbot on Facebook Messenger.

Christened with the name OnChat, the chat bot will enable HDFC users and also non users to execute a number of tasks by simply sending text messages on the instant messaging service. Aimed at significantly cutting down on the amount of waiting and convoluted processes, it will provide assistance to customers on Messenger.

Chatbots on Messenger have been highly popular ever since they were introduced but its adoption was slower back in India, but that is slowly changing with the digital push that is taking place these days.

Met with skepticism at first, but then people began to warm up to the idea of not having to stay on hold, or visit a website for assistance or to register complaints, whatever the business offers!

With OnChat, users can conduct prepaid recharges for all major telecom service providers, pay postpaid and other utility bills and also book cabs with popular services Uber and Ola and seek out the best prepaid telecom brands for them, all in one place.

Bringing ease of access and effortless maneuvering for customers to take care of their responsibilities, HDFC will now offer customer service in a much more convenient way.

HDFC is also working towards expanding their horizons with OnChat to offer more capabilities in future such as hotel reservations, flight bookings and other travel arrangements that will greatly reduce the stress for their customers.

By searching for HDFC Bank OnChat on Facebook, users can initiate a conversation with the chat bot following which it will verify the user’s phone number and post verification, save the details of the user for future reference and ease.

HDFC has partnered with mobile carriers such as AirTel, Tikona, Reliance Telecommunications and Tata Teleservices for mobile bill payments and UberPool and Ola Share to offer as many services that they can offer, with a plan to grow in future.

Facebook Messenger HDFC HDFC Bank Customer service social media finance Social media hdfc onchat social media banks indian financial insitute Indian Social Media Facebook News messenger news Indian banks messenger chatbot