
Meet Vine Camera...

Twitter now has a date when it will drive the final nail into the looping video platform’s coffin, to turn it into Vine Camera.

Mohammad Kanchwala
Updated On
New Update
Vine Camera
All the scorned and displeased Vine connoisseurs, Twitter now has a date when it will drive the final nail into the looping video platform’s coffin, to turn it into Vine Camera.

Vine will now become Vine Camera from January 17th, while all the existing Vine videos from the app will be transitioned to an archive, wherein users can continue to browse through their favourite Vine videos.

Back when the announcement was made that Twitter will soon discontinue the service, it puzzled many as to why Twitter would pull the plug on one of its most popular apps even as times were getting tougher for the microblogging platform.

Now, Twitter has made the motives behind their decision known, which is to incorporate Vine’s capabilities into Twitter itself, something that users have been petitioning for with Periscope. Ah, it may be in the works, but this decision with Vine which looked like a mistake may turn out to a gentle stroke of brilliance for Twitter.

Times have been tough on Twitter, and its bid to bring more users on board and shed their tedious and boring image by introducing features that would grant the Twitterati more ability to fun. None of those attempts managed to make a dent in the cloak of doom that had begun to surround Twitter on all fronts, but this just might be it.

Vine, through all it’s users had formed a community of sorts, faithful users and Vine video creators who enjoyed popularity due specializing in the looping video format, all of whom were taken aback when Twitter announced it was drawing Vine’s existence to an end.

But if you are one of the Vine faithful, you need not worry. Follow the handy guide to salvage all your existing Vines, and then move on to using Vine Camera, and watch other Vines on Twitter itself.


First things first, you can connect your Vine and Twitter accounts to retain your Vine followers and to be easily discovered by them on Twitter. If your Vine followers are not following you on Twitter, the platform will notify them with an option do so.

Also, you can download all the Vines from the app on Android and iOS to your phone’s Camera Roll and view them as many times as you want to.

Vine users who do not wish to let go off their captions and comments, can visit the website and download the Vines with an index.html file that contains all the captions and comments. This won’t be available if you download the Vines using the mobile app.

If you do not see the ‘Download’ option on your Vine app, make sure you update it to the latest version, and if you wish to save space on your phone, you can obtain a link through email clicking upon which will let you download the videos to your computer.

As the exodus of Vines begins, the company has requested users to understand that the servers might get overloaded, and it may take a while to receive your archive, so bear with them a little.

#BeyondTheVine videos, unfortunately will not be available for download due to it being a beta program, and neither will your VMs or comments will be available for download.

Hey, you win some, you lose some.

Once the Vine Camera is up and running, you will not be able to download your Vines so time is of the essence, and Vine users have 11 days so if you are one, you may want to hurry.

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