
Tool Spotlight: Social Samosa Tool Review - QuickMetrix

Saloni Surti
New Update
Tool Spotlight: Social Samosa Tool Review - QuickMetrix
The article is a part of our Tool Spotlight Segment, featuring QuickMetrix, a social media analytics tool with promising features. 

Social media analytics is that magic wand which allows brands to get into ultra-niche targeting. For instance, marketers can particularly target their female consumers, living in Mumbai, between the age group of 18-35 years, and checked in a bistro in the last one week. With the right tool, they can also identify if they had a soft drink and their preferred brand choice.

The impact of data is truly immense provided you have the right social listening mechanism and means to decode the analysis and the metrics provided by the tool. As a part of our Tool Review series, we bring to you an analysis of QuickMetrix


The Dashboard gives a quick view of what’s happening around your brand on social media – likes, followers, talking about, the sentiment of the conversations. Further, the Dashboard offers intricate data such as Break Up by Media, News, Trending, and chatter around your brand.


You also have the option of setting the date range and analyzing the data for a customized period. Users can track their competitor’s social channels as well through the dashboard.

For a little more detailed analysis, users have to click on the data displayed, from the Post Type to Comment Sentiment – QuickMetrix offers all information in one snapshot.

What stands out for me here is the option to get the same data in a table format in the same UI. Users have the option of ‘Turning off’ the Charts and get the same data in tables. As one would require, the data demographics are platform-centric; for Twitter, there are page specific details such as Followers, Following, Klout, Engagement Score, and Total Volume. Similarly, for YouTube, Subscribers, Views, and Engagements are a few demographics.

Social Inbox

This section is the heart and soul of the tool; Social Inbox enables all actions required in efficient social listening in a single window. All the chatter around the brand, across all platforms, are streamed into the Social Inbox –users can monitor those conversations, take the required actions, such as reply, retweet or like. Users can further tag the conversation according to the sentiment, experience, product, replied or active, etc

Brands can also identify influencers and mark them for future reference. They can also track where a particular post originated from, enabling hyperlocal targeting for geo-targeted campaigns.

If a team has access to the tool, they can choose to notify the brand manager or designated authority about the particular post, tweet, or crisis through an email from within the tool itself. Similarly, a response to that email can be received on the social inbox.

All the communication by the brand can happen under this one UI – replying, DMing, IMing, e-mailing, responding to complaints, making Social Inbox a very integral part of the tool.

This chatter can be analyzed by applying various filters such as gender, age, sentiment, tags, intent, and much more. Users have the option of hiding re-tweets, quality chatters and other such communications. Further, the chatter can be segregated basis the action of the communication. The Inbox can be view in the List Format and a Table View. All of the above enables users to slice and dice the data on various filters or a combination of such filters.


The Theme View is a unique feature of QuickMetrix. Instead of a word cloud, the Theme View offers varied formats of viewing keywords that catalyze conversations around the brand; these include –Treemap, Fish Eye, Black Hole, and Random. Users can pick and choose the keywords they wish to see in the selected theme. On clicking on the selected keyword, users can view all the chatter around it in the files.

What stands out here, is intricate analyzing and targeting; users can mark their consumers, they know who are the loyal consumers and who are unsure and could be converted into loyal customers. Brands also know where they need to improve, what works and what needs improvement. They also have the option of targeting the consumers that used their competitor brand’s name for creative marketing.


This is one of the most elaborate sections of the tool, wherein, users have the option of generating an exclusive report for every aspect of analytics. In addition to the usual platform centric reports, users can opt for cross-platform reports such as Fan Report, What/Where Reports, Workflow Report, Volume Report, and more. Within these reports, brands have the options of applying filters, for deep dive analysis. These reports can be sorted in various formats and downloaded in the PDF format for reference.


Further, the intricate data allows users to figure out crucial communication points such as most engaging time, least engaging time, the kind of posts that work, most engaging keywords and more. Also, the tool brings CRM and analysis together, ruling out the need of different tools for different purposes.

Scheduling & Publishing

QuickMetrix enables social media team to schedule and publish posts to social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest.

One of the major things that works for me is the approval option –in a big team, chances of miscommunications leading to a social media crisis. The tool provides the ability to set up approval for scheduled posts before publishing. This helps brands control the quality of the content posted to the social media platforms.

QuickMetrix thus becomes a truly single window for all the social media activities right from Listening, Engagement, Analysis and Publishing – something that people have come to expect from an Enterprise grade tool like QuickMetrix.

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