
End of Life Care India sends out a hair-raising message with #LaughAtDeath

Social Samosa
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End of Life Care India

The fear of death and death itself are imperative. Might as well have a few laughs about it. While that is what End of Life Care India tried to do, you’re bound to be left teary eyed (or ugly crying) by the end of video, #LaughAtDeath.

End of Life Care India, a palliative care organisation, created an unusual comedy video featuring some of their terminally ill patients, making jokes about death and diseases. Trained by some of the best comedians in the country, the video is a heart-wrenching tale of these brave hearts facing the worst with a smile.

The brand managed to extend the message of Avail Palliative Care subtly, yet touching hearts in unimaginable ways.

What are your views on the campaign? If you wish to see industry reviews on the same tweet to us @Social_Samosa.

Social Media Campaigns digital films brand films social media films palliative care laugh at death campaign laugh at death end of life care india social media end of life care india campaign End of Life Care India Social Media Case Study Video