
Twitter Premium, paid membership service coming soon?

The company continues to contemplate an option for the social media elite, something like Twitter Premium paid membership .

Mohammad Kanchwala
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Twitter Premium paid membership

Twitter may go the LinkedIn way in future as the company continues to contemplate a paid membership option for the social media elite who would like to have that little extra bit of exclusivity and features, like Twitter Premium perhaps.

Twitter Premium paid membership with access to a beefed up TweetDeck could be one of the many add-ons that paying users for Twitter Premium could receive, although Twitter says they are merely considering the possibility by carrying out surveys to gauge interest from users.

One of the most active Twitter users, President of the United States Donald Trump is the perfect example of a Premium user, if the service should ever exist. Many celebrities, politicians and other influential figures would find the prospect alluring, and it has the potential to find takers depending upon what Twitter plans to offer to sweeten the deal.

The microblogging platform has carried out surveys with a select number of its users to assess whether the proposition sounds exciting.

A statement from Twitter published by BBC says, “We regularly conduct user research to gather feedback about people’s Twitter experience and to better inform our product investment decisions, and we're exploring several ways to make Tweetdeck even more valuable for professionals.”

In an email sent to users who are being surveyed, Twitter has explained the features that would accompany the service, "This premium tool set will provide valuable viewing, posting, and signaling tools like alerts, trends and activity analysis, advanced analytics, and composing and posting tools all in one customizable dashboard,”. BBC reports.

"It will be designed to make it easier than ever to keep up with multiple interests, grow your audience, and see even more great content and information in real-time.”

publive-image Twitter's User Numbers have hit a plateau.

Twitter Co-Founder Biz Stone is said to have hired developers to work on similar features but that did not seem to turn to fruition, although Twitter’s recent struggles may have forced the top brass at the company to revisit said plans.

Of the many struggles that Twitter has had to endure in recent times, perhaps the most persistent and gnawing has failed to attract newer users, and growing their user base.

Stagnant user numbers have translated to a stagnant profit due to limited advertising options, which Facebook particularly excels at, due to their large user base and sophisticated advertising network.

publive-image Meanwhile, Facebook has enjoyed phenomenal growth in terms of user base.

Social media platforms being devoid of any sort of fee have to rely upon advertising money to stay afloat. Facebook leads the way among social networking websites with more than 1.86 Billion users, whereas Twitter has close to 319 million users worldwide.

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