
#MumbaiMeriHai: Hindustan Times' social corner to discuss local news

Aishwaria Sonavane
New Update
Hindustan Times

The city that induces sugarcoated dreams, shelters exhilarating emotions, boasts of its beautiful diversity! Like they say, Mumbai is a feeling not a city. Embracing this feeling with #MumbaiMeriHai,a campaign by Hindustan Times, giving an ode to this city.

Hindustan Times on Mumbai

Encapsulating the essence of Mumbai through their campaign, Hindustan Times created a campaign to put forth their adoration and perception for the city, at the same time engaging with their audience inducing them to indulge in this mutual affair.

Hoping to connect through the feeling, Hindustan Times (HT) shared #HTGetsMumbai by sharing three videos that broadly defines the metropolitan.

The first video revolved around the crux of this city, that the world identifies it with- Bollywood. Speaking of the immense craze this industry holds around the world, the content of this video speaks of how this place made multiple dreams come true for the big and the small. Right from the Kapoors to Khans, Bollywood that blossoms in the city has nurtured talent. This film managed to garner 225,173 views and 1.7k reactions.

The next video that received 355,622 views  and 7.1k reactions, speaks of Sachin Tendulkar and the sport that echoes with his name - Cricket. The religion of this country, found its spot in the various nooks and corners of this country, from clubs to narrow lanes as the protagonist describes using a tinge of Marathi language in the film. The film also hints on to the cultural miscellany that fosters in this very land.

The third was for all the Bawas. Identifying the Parsi community thriving in this city, this film musically captures the peculiarity of this community, by covering their cafes, traits by adding a hint of their accent and the stereotype to this film. This film received 509k views, with 6.9k reactions and was shared over 6k times.

The brand through these films decided to envelope the massive chunks that make the city what it is, trying to get tremendously closer to the very existence of Mumbai.

Social media engagement

Hoping to squeeze in the minds of Mumbaikars, HT gets as local as possible and through this campaign portrays their sincere perceptive of the city. This campaign clearly targets a very local population through #MumbaiMeriHai and #HTGetsMumbai.

As the hashtags suggest, the brand brings out their bond with the city. HT interacted with their audience on Twitter by asking them to share their thoughts and sentiments around the city and connecting it with their hashtag, they asked what makes them #MumbaiMeriHai?

The campaign was promoted through their sister handle HT Mumbai Events, thus funneling all the local news under this channel. Leveraging on influencer marketing, the brand took bytes from celebrities asking them to speak of their feeling towards the city.

Now, under this hashtag the publication house is covering local news, by bringing in stories from the corners of the city and creating a space to communicate under the umbrella of #MumbaiMeriHai.

This clearly shows a changing pattern in how media houses disseminate their news. This is a transforming phenomenon that even news needs to be advertised that we noticed in the media industry. By urging users to share local news using this hashtag, Hindustan Times seems to be revamping the concept of citizen journalism.

Currently, the publication house has enhanced its digital presence; parallel to this local campaign, the brand is also conducting a national campaign by becoming a voice for grave digital issue of trolls with #LetsTalkAboutTrolls.

Managing with campaigns of two different natures, Hindustan Times has an active digital presence in comparison to its fellow competitors.

Media houses and social media news on social media news channels on social media new and social media Mumbai news Mumbai campaigns Mumbai and social media local news Mumbai Hindustan Times hindustan times social media Hindustan Times on social media Hindustan Times Mumbai hindustan times marketing hindustan times marketin hindustan times campaign Hindustan Times and social media #MumbaiMeriHai #HTGetsMumbai Social Media Case Study Social Media Campaigns