
Instagram Stories Ads to now have new objectives available

Instagram Stories Ads are now expanding beyond Reach, with Video Views, Traffic, Conversions and Mobile App Install being made available.

Mohammad Kanchwala
Updated On
New Update
Instagram Stories Ads

After a fruitful few months of Instagram Stories Ads, wherein brands such as Airbnb, Akbank and, Ben and Jerry’s capitalized on the service to connect with users through immersive ads, Instagram has announced new objectives for businesses using ads in Stories.

The Instagram Stories Ads experience began in a rather modest way, with focus predominantly on the Reach objective, although the company now has plans to expand beyond Reach, with Video Views, Traffic (earlier known as Website Clicks), Conversions and Mobile App Install.

As Instagram says, “Whether its building brand lift and awareness or driving action through purchases and installs, ads in Instagram Stories continue to create new opportunities for businesses all over the world to do more with Instagram.”

This claim is reinforced by Instagram with success stories from Airbnb, the accommodation discovery, listing and booking platform for people around the world who recently launched, Experiences on Airbnb, enabling users to explore a city with a local guide. Airbnb leveraged Instagram Stories to generate buzz around Experiences on Airbnb witnessing a double digit lift in ad recall.

Instagram Stories Ads

“We saw a double-digit point increase in ad recall from our experiences on Airbnb campaign that further justifies our investment in ads in Stories as they have made a measurable impact for us. Our ability to apply existing targeting and measurement in an experience to reach the right audience, in the right mindset, with the right story at scale has allowed us to achieve the results we were hoping for in a partnership with Instagram.” Eric Toda, Global Head Of Social Marketing and Content, Airbnb.

Airbnb worked with media agency Starcom Worldwide, advertising agency TBWA\CHIAT\DAY and marketing technology company and Facebook Marketing Partner Amobee to develop a series of 15-second videos made specifically for Instagram Stories.

Targeting men and women between the age group of 25-44 who used Instagram Stories, Airbnb garnered a 13 point lift in ad recall, making their brand one of the biggest beneficiaries of Instagram Stories Ads, yet.

An illustrious future awaits Instagram Stories Ads with these new objectives.

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