
#SocialSuperMom: Kabita Singh shares her journey of being a mommy vlogger

Social Samosa
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Kabita Singh Interview

Kabita Singh's Interview is all sorts of inspiring for vloggers and mommies alike. A culinary queen, she shares her journey...

Kabita Singh the proud mind behind Kabita's Kitchen in a food vlogger and proud mommy.  Singh recent crossed 1 million subscribers and was also a part of the YouTube FanFest in Mumbai.  From starting her own blog to the becoming a culinary sensation, Kabita Singh shares the recipe of success as a mother and as a YouTube-r.

Looking back what was the one thing that motivated you to become a vlogger?

The main reason to become a blogger was to follow my passion for cooking. One more important factor was that when I started following some recipes on YouTube, it gave me a thought that there is a niche within the food category on YouTube in which I can post videos in. The idea was to make recipe videos which shows very minor detail of cooking and at the same time can be cooked with the ingredients which are easily available at home/grocery store next door.  The motto of the channel is that recipes should be so simple that viewers should believe that ‘everyone can cook’.

Is it difficult handling an active blog with a full-time career of being a mother and home maker?

It is very challenging because as a mother I feel that I should give all my time to my kids. I had to make changes in my daily schedule to achieve the work life balance e.g. I work either when my son is at school or when my kids are asleep, this means that I work very late at night. The other challenge is that I can’t record and work in a professional studio, because it would mean that I must compromise on the quality time that I get to spend with kids and my hubby. My husband is very supportive which makes it possible for me to keep up with both work and personal life.

What would be your one advice to all those mothers who wish to start blogging?

I feel motherhood is very challenging in terms of balancing career and personal life. However, it provides different perspective to life which can help you shape your life much better. In my case, I realise that I could start something on YouTube only after becoming a mother, motherhood gave me that time to think a little more about life and look at it differently. In this digital age and with the social platforms like YouTube, it’s possible to follow your passion and at the same time make it into a viable career option.

Which has been your happiest memory during your blogging journey, something that made it all feel worth it?

Reaching one million subscribers and being part of YouTube Fanfest has been a memory which made me feel that it’s all worth it. I also find satisfaction in the fact that I see many home makers have started YouTube channels which are like my channel, if I have been of any influence for these channels, it is matter of satisfaction.

How do you come up with new ideas? Please take us through the ideation process?

To start with I use to go with my instinct. However, after the breakout moment (when my channel started growing fast) I started planning what to post next, I still post videos which are purely based on instinct but I try to find a right balance among the factors such as: viewers demand, trend and the videos which are purely based on my instinct. I feel if you are passionate about something ideas will keep on flowing, couple those ideas with demand of viewers and trends.

What are the logistics involved in making one video that goes on your channel? 

I am the sole employee of Kabita's Kitchen, I conceptualize, record, edit and publish. The main equipment’s which are a must in my opinion are:

  • Lots of lights and light stands
  • Good quality cameras and tripods.
  • A good quality mike
  • Editing software

When you started off, you might not have known that Kabita's Kitchen would be such a huge success. What do you think led to your immense popularity? 

In my opinion it has to do with the fact the I am doing something that I am passionate about. The other important factors in my opinion are:

  • I cater to a niche category
  • Continuous interaction with viewers through comments and other social means
  • Incorporating continuous feedback from viewers
  • I make something which viewers find engaging; the recipes which I post are easy to follow
  • YouTube partner program

What are the 5 tips you would share with upcoming bloggers? 

  • Follow your passion, don't worry about outcome
  • Target a niche in the category you are passionate about
  • Understand viewers, their sentiments and incorporate feedback. Take criticism as a part of journey and work on constructive criticism.
  • Post the content which is based on your instinct and try to balance it out with trend and viewer's demand.
  • Have lot of patience, there will be a breakout moment.

Across industries, boundaries, and worlds - mothers rule the world in true sense. Social Samosa salutes every #SocialSuperMom out there.

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