
Prega News advocates the comfort of moms-to-be with Your Second Home

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Your Second Home.

With Mother's Day approaching soon, Prega News chose the occasion to intricately highlight a modern mother's needs with #YourSecondHome.

Constructed around the insight that most women continue to work even during their pregnancy, Your Second Home show how the onus falls on her colleagues and friends at work to lend a helping hand, to make things just a little easier for a mother-to-be.

The brand film portrays an employer going out of his way to ensure the comfort and safety of an employee who is pregnant.

Today, women no longer assume just one role, instead juggling multiple roles as a mother, a wife, an achiever and so many more. It is exhausting and rightly so, but that does not mean a woman should not pursue her dreams.

And during pregnancy when the mind and body undergo do many changes, the people around her have the power to make her feel comfortable at her second home.

Prega News' brand new campaign Your SeconHome champions a noble cause for mothers all over. If you wish to see a detailed review of the campaign in our Reviews section write to us on

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