
Just 12 women tweeting about #ShortGirlProblems

When no one takes your anger seriously, and the top shelf is a place you have never seen, you are experiencing #shortgirlproblems !

Mohammad Kanchwala
Updated On
New Update
Just 12 women tweeting about #ShortGirlProblems

No one takes you seriously when you’re mad, and the top shelf is a place you have never seen before ? Your friends need to bend their knees to take pictures with you and your clothes never fit? Those are some #ShortGirlProblems you’re experiencing right there.

But you’re not the only one. There are millions of ladies out there, just like you. Getting mistaken for eighth graders, jumping at stuff just to touch, grab, see or even get yourself photographed in a group. These Twitter users too are going through the same #ShortGirlProblems as you are, and it may be hilarious to the non vertically challenged people, but I know you are furious. And that actually ends up looking adorable!

Get ready to completely relate to these tweets from women experiencing their regular #ShortGirlProblems, and try to laugh a little, because life is short, but then so are you.

1. At home, college, work, restaurant....



2. Don't you just hate normal people?




3. Every trip to the supermarket is an adventure course!




4. Are necks and the backs of heads art?




5. Are you sure?




6. That's just cruel now!




7. I can't even...




8. That's great! You sound portable.




9. Preach.



10. What have you done?



11. Scalpfie?



12. #TallPeopleSuck!


Do you have any #ShortGirlProblems to share with us? Send them to us at


#shortgirlproblems short people short people on social media Twitter short girls social media humour twitter trends Social media Indian Social Media twitter humour twitter funny social media funny Twitter users