
Social Media Agency Feature - sunSTRATEGIC

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Who are we?

We at sunSTRATEGIC are a group of hardworking, talented, creative people set out to change the way the world sees you as a brand. We turn the traditional marketing techniques and turn them into something that is not only out of the box, but it will also innovate the way Digital marketing works.

The work culture at sunSTRATEGIC is such that everyone finds a place for themselves. We place the needs of the clients before our own. And what do we get for all of this? The satisfaction of a work well done. We strongly believe that change leads to a happier and enriched life.

Our solutions provide the link between Customer Engagement, Productivity, Customer Satisfaction and Shareholder return. We Innovate and Transform your digital brand value by representing your brand in all its glory.

What's in the name?

The Sun never dies, I said. It always shines. And that’s how I decided my company will be called sun. ‘Strategic’ came from the realization that India is on the path of being the next superpower, if it strategizes well. That’s how sunSTRATEGIC was born.

The ideation behind sunSTRATEGIC was borne from a blend of experience in technology, creativity and digital. Initiating sunSTRATEGIC was not a cake walk. The risk associated to start this business was tremendous and the sacrifices to be made were many.

What we do?

sunSTRATEGIC does everything. But Content generation and curation is our main focus. We try to come up with different strategies that will benefit our client, and in turn, us. We live by the motto ‘Content is King’.

Online Presence, Web & Digital Management, Project Management, Risk Management, Quality Management is our forte. Our customer segments include global and Multinational Corporations (MNCs) as well as independent boutique firms.

Why we do it?

We help brands cope up with this evolving technology and help the brand in a very innovative way.

There is a flux of spending capital in the masses. They want to consume more. Branding needs are different. The average Indian is consuming huge content and platforms for content are being built in India. EVERY INDIAN IS A UNIQUE BRAND.

How we evolve?

Running a startup is an all-day task. You need to be able to do anything and everything that it takes to sustain in a field that already has a lot of competition. We are always finding a way to level the playing field and I guess that is what keeps us going.

We try to explore new avenues in social media and draft the best possible strategy for our clients based on their needs.

Social responsibility in social media

At sunSTRATEGIC, we aim at harnessing the capabilities of the social media by giving people a platform where they can voice their opinions.

As part of Social Responsibility towards those less fortunate, we partnered up with NGOs from around India and extends technology, creative and content support to create awareness across the country. NGO Guria has been in existence since 1993. However, a weak website and absolutely negligible social media awareness hampered their publicity and thereby, the organization was not part of donations and on lists of various donors.

Guria NGO was covered by various publications for exception work done by them.

On the occasion of Diwali, sunSTRATEGIC decided to give back to the society. We distributed blankets and a comic book made by us to the Asha Pura Trust, a school for the underprivileged street kids. The team made a ‘Fun Book’ which included puzzles, comics, stories and drawings for the kids.

Need of the hour

More and more marketing companies are harnessing the power of social network. We are one of them, we believe that social media has the power to shape the future in a way no one could imagine. However, it’s not just any shape up but rather a positive one. Social networking laws need to be properly drafted. Social media is on the rise and soon, the world will be revolving around social media and the internet.

We learned the hard way

Initially, clients didn't pay us on time. Some didn't pay at all. There was no value for paper. A former employee forged documents. We defined who we wanted to work with. We profiled potential clients based on our criteria. We also let some clients go. It taught me to value our collaborations and deep-define our company values.

One year after we established sunSTRATEGIC, the flow of revenue into the company drastically slowed down because our clients started taking all our efforts for granted and when it came to payment, there were times when we couldn’t get through to the clients.

Despite all the hardships we have had to face, it has only made us stronger. One piece of advice I will give is never give up. Many unforeseen events will happen where you might contemplate shutting down. But, no one is an overnight success and persistence is the key to reaching your goal.

Did we just share that?

There is never a dull day at sunSTRATEGIC. There were times when few of our manufacturing clients sent us some gifts as a token of appreciation. And then there were clients who found our strategies to be so good that they took it and gave it to some other agency. Although, that was not right on their behalf, but the fact that they liked our strategy plan was both amusing and a compliment in itself. This is what makes us keep going.

They work with us

Our client portfolio includes Fortune 500 companies in the following sectors: Real Estate, Pharmaceuticals, Retail, Manufacturing, Education, Entertainment, Fashion and BFSI. Some of our clients include Airtel, ESSAR group, Ginni’s, Epic channel, bulthaup, FreshHomez, Kanakia amongst others.

Industry as we foresee

Even though the power of TV and radio cannot be denied, the Digital Marketing industry will become the main source of advertising in the near future. The analytics is the major part of this industry. But this industry will not move forward with very good content.

A day without Internet

Without the internet, the world will come to a standstill. We live in a world where we get free calling and video calling services and we use platforms like WhatsApp to connect with people. Even when you are with your friends, you will constantly be messaging on the group or posting pictures on Snapchat, etc.

Lastly, are you hiring?

 We at sunSTRATEGIC are constantly hiring fresh talent.

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sunSTRATEGIC Social Media Marketing Social Media Agency social samosa agency feature Digital Marketing sunSTRATEGIC social samosa sunSTRATEGIC social media agency Agency Feature digital marketing agency