
Just some french fry recipes to drool on, this French Fries Day

Mohammad Kanchwala
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French Fries Day

The supreme power of French Fries, the symbol of hungry munching, the breaker of friendships and the sign of true love (when shared with someone) does not need to proven. If you’re going to question the importance of French Fries, let me remind you, today is French Fries Day!

Whether it’s a case of munchies, or some comfort food in case of stress, or when Aunt Flow visits as the ladies might know, French Fries are the perfect companion come rain or shine.

French Fries Day is just a small acknowledgement for this beautiful personification of love, warmth and tenderness into golden sticks harvested from potato corpses.

French Fries Day Source

I kid you not, French Fries have the possibility to start and end fights all on their own! You may know them as chips, finger chips, potato wedges and what not, but we shall ignore my obvious disgust for you and simply refer to them as French Fries because ITS FRENCH FRIES DAY!!!!!!!

French Fries Day His name is Stephen Fry, and I assume he is describing them.

Let us commemorate the momentous occasion French Fries Day, the triumph of basic culinary skills over gourmet food with some of the most appealing and dare I say aphrodisiacal French Fry recipes on social media! (P.S. There is nothing French about them)

1. Cheesy Garlic Fries

2. Baked Chicken Fries

3. French Fry Pizza

4. Nacho Fries

5. Chili Cheese Fries

6. Jalapeno Fries with Garlic Dip

7. McDonald’s French Fries

8. Sweet Potato Rosemary Fries

9. Chili Potato Fries

10. Cheesy Sweet Potato Fries

So go on. Crank open the kitchen cabinet and whip up a fresh batch of French Fries to celebrate French Fries Day with a whole lot of yum!

And always remember,

French Fries Day

Have an amazing French Fries Day mi amigos!

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