
Kunal Kamra videos you need to watch and rewatch today!

Check out some of the funniest stand up comedy performances from Kunal Kamra, and also the one that earned him death threats!

Mohammad Kanchwala
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Kunal Kamra

How can you tell if a stand up comedian is any good? Well, in India, apart from the obvious sounds of a hysterical audience is also accompanied by death threats on social media. Therefore we know, Kunal Kamra is pretty damn good.

If you’ve never heard of him, I’m glad you’re not in front of me right now, but anyway, I’ll let that slide for once. So Kunal Kamra, the fool, managed to crack a few jokes about ‘patriotism’, ‘demonetization’ and ‘Baba Ramdev’ among other things. Calls for death threats right?

Kunal Kamra

But he’s not always mouthing off anti-national propaganda.

No, no. At times he’s also a regular Indian guy who can’t find a goddamned taxi. Can you relate with this right here?

Kunal Kamra

Wait for the punchline.

Kunal Kamra

I know. The feels are real, right?

For more taxi struggles you can watch the entire video until your cabbie shows up.

Moving on to Mumbai, and 'Mumbai ki shaan'. You know you're proud of being a Mumbaikar, I know I'm proud of being a Mumbaikar. Kunal is also proud of being a Mumbaikar. Because obviously, MUMBAI. So when someone asked him this,

Kunal Kamra


It's funny because it's true!!

Kunal Kamra

Here you go. There are more such verbal gems in the video below. You're welcome!

Let us know what you think about Kunal Kamra's performances, and tell us about your favourite video. Write to us at

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