
Video re-sharers on Facebook to have limited access to insights

Facebook is making changes to insights on video re-shares after claiming to have sought suggestions from content creators and video re-sharers

Mohammad Kanchwala
Updated On
New Update
Video Re-sharers

Facebook is making a few changes to insights on video re-shares after the company claims to have sought suggestions from content creators and video re-sharers, and also appear to have dabbled in some new metrics.

The new changes surrender the control of analytics and metrics in the hands of content creators since a lot of them appear to have told Facebook that they aren’t comfortable with video re-sharers having access to metrics about videos they created.

Facebook is attempting to land things on a middle ground and not displease content creators by sharing metrics about their videos with re-sharers, and at the same time also offer video re-sharers insight into how much engagement the re-shared videos have netted them.

Here are the new changes that will be effective on Facebook starting today,

For Re-sharers, “..the retention graph, average watch time, 30 Seconds Views and detailed breakdown of views (autoplay/click to play, unique/repeat) – so only creators can see this information. We also tested offering minutes viewed, 10 Seconds Views and sound metrics with some Pages but will be removing them, as well, for the same reason.”

For Page Owners, “Page owners who re-share videos will be able to see aggregated information about the demographics and general location of the people who are viewing that video. They’ll also see a graph of daily views of the re-shared video and additional breakdowns on the re-shared video related to paid versus organic activity.”

For content creators, Facebook is bringing some changes this month with regards to insights about which Pages are re-sharing their videos and other related metrics.

Facebook has also discovered two bugs that impacted re-shares while they were working on the changes for re-share metrics. “First, for the Video Average Watch Time of some re-shared videos, we were displaying a zero value in video insights to the re-sharers instead of the correct value. Second, this same metric for video re-shares was displaying an incorrect value for re-sharers. These insights will no longer be displayed for re-sharers, given the above updates we’re making.”

The company is offering reassurance claiming that the bugs did not impact content creators, and in no way affected ad insights.

Signing off on the blog post, Facebook emphasized on their resolve towards precision, “The metrics and insights we provide to creators and re-sharers are a key part of informing areas of posting strategy and content creation. We are committed to continually improving the functionality, reliability, and accuracy of our systems.”

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