
Social Media Platform Feature - Adomantra

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About the Platform

Adomantra is a digital advertising market maker in online video advertising which enables brands and publishers to connect with billions of internet users all over the world. We offer continuous and un-interrupted demand and supply of digital advertising opportunities to brands and platforms.

I have been an online video advertising specialist, with a career spanning more than 15 years in the industry. After working for more than 10 years with leading digital agencies, I decided to set my own venture, Adomantra in 2012, in the online video ad enablement industry. It was the only platform which bridged the gap between brands and the increasingly preferred content consumption choice of digital users.

We have team of around 30 digital media professionals in Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. Our head office is in Delhi.

Whom do we cater to?

We are catering to brands and platforms in the online video advertising industry. We ensure that there is a buyer for every ad spot and a seller of the ad spot to the brand as per the brand’s target audience. This offers numerous opportunities for brands to maximise their visibility by reaching out to the right audience through the right ad platforms and networks. On the other hand, it also enables ad platforms earn a steady revenue stream from by attracting the most suitable brands and brand content.

 What do we offer to our consumers?

Adomantra’s programmatic advertising solutions help brands enhance their video ad visibility on online platforms through explicit market segmenting, monitoring and analysis. Our inventive algorithmic expertise empowers brands to connect and engage intrinsically with the intended audiences and their context in the online world. We also use granular target marketing model, so every brand can reach out to their set target audience and every audience can view ads which cater to the latter’s interest.

In this fast evolving online video ad industry, we bring to the table strategies based on the changing behavior of internet users and the potential of digital platforms.

What motivated us to start up?

Passion to offer transparency and right solutions to the brands was my primary motivation behind creating Adomantra

What's in a name?

‘Adomantra’ instantly struck, as the name deeply connects with the advertising world. ‘Ado’ stands for ‘Advertising’ and ‘Mantra’ stands for ‘The Solution’ to make every online video ad reach out to the right target audience. Every industry requires a golden channel to reach out to their specified unique audience.

How do we see Social Media?

Social media is the most important tool for the marketers in today’s digitally driven world. As the millennial driving today’s consumer market are digitally very sound and are connected to each other through multiple social media platforms, social media offers digital marketers one of the most effectual channels to connect with their target audience. Also because of its interactive nature, social media can amplify a brand’s visibility through the spread of ‘Word of Web’ in no time.

Currently we are....

Adomantra has already maximized video ads for more than 200 of the Fortune 1000 companies worldwide and has relationships with the top 100 global brands. Today, Adomantra is serving more than 10 billion ad impressions in more than 190 countries and helping top brands across automobile, FMCG, telecom and handset manufacturing sectors build long-term relationships with appropriate media partners globally.

Apart from the online video advertising solutions, Adomnatra is also trying to carve a niche in personalization of video advertising. Through our advanced algorithm and micro marketing models, our next step is to reach out to the target audience for brands through personalized ad content catering to every individual audience’s tastes.

Our biggest challenge was..

The biggest challenge for us was to build trust for clients at the initial stage. However, we overcame the challenge in a short period of time, as we were transparent with our approach since the very initial stage. Due to our transparent approach we have seen brands approaching us over and over again.

We want to dominate the world by…

After expanding in the well established UK market, we have plans to expand the business across Middle East by the end of this fiscal year.

In the next 10 years, I envision Adomantra to be known as the ‘One Stop Advertising Solution’ for online video advertising. .

We’re making moolah by...

We achieved a break-even in the first three years of our existence. We are working with multiple clients and have partnered agencies for maximizing revenues.

Our What The **** Moment

It is difficult to describe one particular incident. Being in the world of digital advertising, added with the tinge of creativity, the profession itself is full of zeal, vigor and positive fun.

While meeting clients to understand their target audience for a particular online video ad, I have to keep asking questions to create the ideal strategy for their ad marketing. Many a times, the strategy meeting sessions turn out to be like an ‘Interrogation Session’, where I keep asking questions to decide onto the most precise target market for that particular ad.

Industry as we foresee

We feel that the industry is expected to grow many folds in the coming years and companies like us will have huge edge over the traditional media companies. We expect that digital video advertising industry will grow at 20-25%% y-o-y.

Lastly, are you hiring?

We are hiring at various levels and looking for young and vibrant and out of the box thinkers.

vikas katoch social media video Adomantra Social media advertising video advertising Online content Social Media Platforms