
[Infographic] 12 common social media mistakes and how to fix them

Social Samosa
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common social media mistakes

Life can be tricky for people involved in the business of social media marketing, and you can never know what may be thrown your way, but if it’s common social media mistakes you are looking to avoid, look no further.

“When you make a mistake, there are only three things you should ever do about it; admit it, learn from it and don’t repeat it” said Paul Bear Bryant, a man who defined high school football in the United States. Similarly, the pioneers and godfathers of social media marketing would vow by, and urge you never to commit these grave, but common social media mistakes.

Mistakes and remedies such as never delete negative feedback and comments from your company’s page, or adhering to the 80:20 rule, here are some of the most common social media mistakes made by brands and social media managers all over.

12 Common social media blunders and how to fix them

This Infographic was originally published by here.

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