
Siyaram's garners over 100 new followers with 10 Days Of Goodwill

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10 days of goodwill





Siyaram’s, one of India’s leading textile brands that pride themselves on the brand ethos of sincerity, rolled out their campaign 10 Days Of Goodwill this Dussehra.


10 Days Of Goodwill was devised to strengthen Siyaram’s associative trait and ethos of Sincerity’ and generate a strong brand recall within their target audience during the festive season of Navratri leading up to Dussehra.


Siyaram’s broke ground on their social media campaign with the 10 Days Of Goodwill challenge, urging people to participate by indulging in little acts of kindness such as making an effort to connect with a long lost school buddy or to making an apology to someone you have hurt in a big or a small way.

The brand created and posted 10 different creatives for every day of the Navratri celebrations and for Dussehra, with the specific colours that are assigned to each day. Furthermore, each creative posted a different challenge every day, to perform a simple act of kindness.

N. Gangadhar, VP, Marketing, Siyaram Silk Mills Ltd. said, “The idea was to infuse the festival values combined with the Brand’s character, which represents sincerity and morality. Although the numbers were so impressive, the quantum of the result can’t be gauged just by them, but with the actual acts of kindness performed by the audience, which made the campaign a truly rewarding one!”

Mitchelle Carvalho, CEO, CogMat said, “Being a long time association, we understand brand Siyaram’s core character, which signifies going back to your basic human morals, which we often overlook while dealing with daily stresses of life. The numbers raked by the campaign proves that the brand has been successful in reminding the values that the festival of Dussehra imbibes, which is overcoming the evil within, and being humble and kind to ones around us.”

This activity for the 10 Days Of Goodwill campaign was carried out from 20th September to 30th September on Facebook and Twitter.


10 Days Of Goodwill managed to successfully engage Siyaram’s social media audience and led to a significant organic impact in the form of likes and increase in followers for the brand. Audience’s responded affirmatively to the interesting daily challenges and participated with photos.

The campaign also helped in recalling brand’s core message of ‘sincerity’ and delivered more than 32K Impressions on Twitter with an organic follower growth of more than a 100 followers.

Total Reach observed on Facebook and Twitter peaked at 145K with the 10 Days Of Goodwill Challenge receiving more than 750 entries, with a per day entry average of 39!

#10daysofgoodwill Social Media Campaigns dussehra campaigns Facebook siyarams siyarams social media siyarams facebook 10 days of goodwill Social Media Marketing Digital Marketing Indian Social Media Cogmat digital case studies social media case studies #Dussehra