
Tool Feature - Socialert

Social Samosa
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About the tool!

Socialert is a hashtag tracking and keyword analysis tool. It can help marketers to analyze the reach of their hashtag campaigns and monitor their brand’s presence on social media. Apart from this, there is a provision to track keywords and Twitter handles for different purposes. Users can simply scale the reach of their keywords and perform plenty of tasks from its dashboard. Later, they can export this data into editable reports as well.

Who founded the product/company?

The company was founded by three co-founders. Pankaj is actively working on the product along with the team. We have an experience of developing successful products related to internet marketing for the last 10 years. Socialert was developed as a one-stop Twitter hashtag analytics solution.

What platforms does it cover?

As of now, the tool supports Twitter. Currently, the team is working to extend the support by including popular platforms like Instagram and Facebook as well in the near future.

Features of the tool?

Our tool analyzes Twitter hashtags on a real-time basis and provides its reach, impressions, etc. There is a dedicated feature to identify key influencers regarding the provided hashtag, which can help you perform influencer marketing. Furthermore, you can obtain information regarding active users related to the searched hashtag. The interface also provides information regarding top tweets, hashtags, top geography, sentiments, and more. Users can further export the reports as well.

What analytics support does the tool provide?

The tool provides a comprehensive analytics support regarding keyword and hashtag tracking. For instance, users can identify the sentiments related to the searched keyword (or hashtag). From calculating the reach of your hashtags to identifying key users related to it, the interface comes with tons of analytics feature.

Does it give an option to download reports?

Yes, users can export the reports in a format supported by MS Excel. This includes all the needed information regarding top tweets, hashtag reach, and more.

What kind of sentiment analysis does it do and how accurate is it?

We use an NLP algorithm to perform an analysis, which is based on our training data. We have our set of data which is used as a basic parameter to make decisions for the provided content.

What’s the algorithm for sentiment analysis?

The tool used a Naïve Bayes method to perform sentiment analysis.

What are the brands/agencies that are using this tool?

Various companies who run campaigns for their own brand and agencies handling digital marketing for their clients use our tool. Tweetchat hosts like Madalyn Sklar also use our tool to analyze data related to tweetchats.

Pricing & Packages

We have affordable prices for our tool with occasional discounts.

Road Map

We are working hard to add plenty of features to analyze tweets of any Twitter account as well as Facebook page posts. We also plan to analyze Instagram hashtags and keywords too.

The Team

There are three co-founders – among them, Pankaj actively takes care of marketing. There is an in-house development team as well. We are also connected with various freelancers the world over.

Are you hiring?

Yes, we are hiring.

social media tools twitter Social Media Tools Socialert social media tools india digital tools twitter digital tools india digital tools