
Tool Feature - Social Aider

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Social Aider

Social Aider is a social media scheduling tool. It allows the users to connect all their social media account to 1 dashboard and mange posting and scheduling from a single window.

Bloggers and companies alike have presence on multiple social media’s and posting individually on each social media takes considerable time. Social Aider allows users to save on their invaluable time and utilize it in better pursuits.

Who founded the product/company?

Social Aider has been founded by 2 passionate individuals. Shashank gupta who has been in the digital marketing field since 8+ years and Niraj Chauhan who has been developing Softwares for 8+ years.

In current times social media has become a necessity and almost everybody has profiles on minimum 2 or more medias.

Managing these Medias efficiently takes up considerable time. While there are numerous Social Media scheduling tools available in the market, minimum pricing for all of them starts from $10+.

We wanted to create a tool that’s simple and to the point and costs half the piece, so that even the individual bloggers with a modest marketing budget are able to subscribe to and use social media scheduling tool, thereby gaining its benefit and having a better fighting chance against the bigger fishes in the market.

What platforms does it cover?

Currently Social Aider supports LinkedIn, Facebook profile and Facebook Pages and Twitter accounts. We are working on adding Google+ to the list soon.

Features of the tool?


Scheduling – Social Aider allows users to schedule posts across multiple social Medias for up to 100 years in advance.

Posting – Once scheduled the posts will be sent out on users behalf to his/her chosen social Mediasat the time specified by the user.

Reposting – Some posts perform better than others and some not so well. Social Aider allows users to repost their previous posts with a single click, making reposting hassle free.

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Time zone – Social Aider allows users to set time zone for the post scheduling at Project level as well as post level. For example: If a user is based in UK but his/her target audience is based in USA, it makes sense to schedule his/her posts so as to coincide with the convenient time for users in USA.

To do so the user needs to calculate the time-zone difference between UK and USA and schedule posts accordingly. Social Aider comes in here. User can set his/her time zone at project levelit USA, and all the posts he/she schedules will automatically be posted as per USA time zone.

Social Aider allows the time zone management right down to the post level. For example if the same user now wants to target some of his/her posts to users in Asia, he/she can simple do so by changing the time zone for the specific posts to Asia at the post level.

So all the project leveltime zone remains unchanged at USA; however the post level time zone is not set to Asia.

Post Deletion – Social Aider allows users to delete posts made via the tool from all social Medias by just a click on button. So if a post goes live and user discover a spelling error, or any other embarrassing detail after the post has gone live, he/she can easily delete the post from all medias by 1 click to minimize exposure of the post.

Media Attachment – Social Aider provides option for users to attach media in form of Images/videos to their posts.

Bulk Upload – Social Aider allows users to upload posts in bulk in excel format saving time on scheduling each post individually...

How Social Aider will benefit users:

1. Social Aider will help users save time in posting on each social media individually through its integrated dashboard

2. Users can schedule post for precise time in future and forget it, allowing them to target their audience in a precise manner, when their audience is most active

3. Repost feature allows users to ensure maximum exposure for their posts by a click of a button

4. Time zone feature allows users to target their audience across the world in a seamless manner. No need to be awake at 3am in night to post for a audience in a different time zone, user can schedule the post via Social Aider and it will be posted at the targeted time for the targeted user.

5. Social Aider’s pricing is extremely budget friendly making it easy on the pocket for even the smallest blogger/ entrepreneur.

6. Post Deletion feature enables users to delete any post from all social Medias in 1 go. This is extremely useful in case the user has published a post that contains spelling or grammar error, or some sensitive content. Or a post has been wrongly done. 1 click to delete the post from all Medias will ensure that the post can be quickly removed and its exposure can be minimized.

7. Scheduling posts will allow user to ensure maximum presence on special days/events. For example on ‘National Coffee Day’ a Food blogger can schedule all his/her Coffee and related recipes to be posted at regular intervals across his medias.

This will allow his Coffee related recipes to get maximum exposure and maximum traffic. As opposed to this if the user will do this manually, he/she will be spending entire day on social Medias only, also the user is highly likely to end up missing some prime posting slots if they collide with the users other daily life activities.

What analytics support does the tool provide?

As of now Social Aider does not provide any analytics support. It’s a clean and simple tool to manage posting and scheduling of your social media accounts.

Does it give an option to download reports?

No reports are generated, hence no downloading option as such.

What kind of sentiment analysis does it do and how accurate is it?

Social aider is a posting tool; we do not provide any sentiment analysis as of now.

What’s the algorithm for sentiment analysis?


What are the brands/agencies that are using this tool?

Social Aider is the new kid on the block. Currently we do not boast of any big ticket names. Our main users are bloggers and small to mid-level agencies.

Pricing & Packages

Our Pricing structure is very simple and clean. We offer 2 options

Option 1: Monthly pricing (includes 300 posts) @ $4.99

Option 2: 3 months money saver package (includes 1000 posts) @ $11.85 which works out to $ 3.95 per month.

For users requiring more posts further posts are available in increments of 300 @ $4.99 only.

1 post is counted when you post once, irrespective of how many or how few medias the user post’s on. For example if a user makes a ‘Good morning’ post on his twitter handle only it will be counted as 1 post.

If he schedules the same post to be shared simultaneously across his Twitter handle, Facebook Profile and LinkedIn profile it will still be counted as 1 post only. However if the user chooses to schedule the post individually on each social media then it will be counted as multiple posts.

Road Map

In short term we plan to add ability to schedule post on Google+ and Instagram to Social Aider. Our long term plans are to add some analytics and reporting features.

The Team

We currently have a core team of 5 people working on Social Aider full time. We also have 2 people working as support staff, who handle our customer support. Our Team is based in Mumbai.

Are you hiring?

Not as of now.

Facebook Twitter users benefit Social Media Tools Tools feature social media multitasking social media dashboard Social media LinkedIn Bloggers Instagram Social Aider Niraj Chauhan Social Media Platforms