
LG Electronics' 21st anniversary campaign is an endearing father-daughter tale

Social Samosa
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New Update
Celebrating The New

On the occasion of their 21st anniversary, LG Electronics took a storytelling approach, narrating a captivating tale of a father and daughter that will leave you teary-eyed.

Titled, Celebrating The New the campaign is a chronicle of the importance and significance of innovations and technologies, especially in making dreams and aspirations come true.


The tale begins with a girl looking for something in old boxes and stumbling across her father’s old mathematics exam paper. To her surprise, her father had failed his math test, bringing back some really painful memories for him. It is then revealed, that her father was indeed weak in maths which disappointed his father (also his teacher) to no end.

Moved by the story, the daughter takes it on herself to teach maths to her dad, eventually convincing him to re-appear a math test. To both their delight, the father passes the math test with flying colours and with his daughter’s help, mends yet another bridge, by making up with his own father.  

Also Read: #Interview Amit Gujral on the 3 Es of LG’s marketing strategy

Celebrating The New is an ode to the dreams and wishes that are often boxed somewhere in the corner of the heart – the story gives hopes to everyone out there, motivating them to not give up on their own or their loved ones’ dreams.

Like the astronaut video released on their 20th anniversary, Celebrating The New delves into the profound role our loved ones play in helping realize dreams that we always consider distant or unachievable.

Further, the brand manages to create a subtle yet strong connect, re-establishing the integral role LG has played, changing millions of lives, one dream at a time. On their 21st anniversary, LG reiterates their promise of developing innovative products and solutions that shall catalyse a better lifestyle with realistic and beautiful storytelling.  

“Our 21 years long journey in India is a remarkable milestone, and we are determined more than ever before to develop innovative products and solutions that act as catalyst in offering better lifestyle to all its consumers,” concluded Mr. Gujral.



Digital advertising advertising campaign Marketing Campaigns digital marketing campaigns 2018 lg india campaigns lg electronics india lg campaigns social media marketing campaigns digital marketing campaigns