
Platform Feature: Woovly

Social Samosa
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About the Platform

Woovly is an aggregator of users bucket list, bucket list experiences, reviews and ratings.

On Woovly, users can create their bucket list profiles, add Bucket List ideas, set targets to accomplish, follow friends who share similar interests, share, review and rate their bucket list experiences.

Whom do we cater to?

We cater to everybody who has a Bucket List of their own or have been wanting to create one.

A Bucket List is a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime.

We specifically cater to passionate travellers, adventure enthusiasts, photographers, Sports & fitness freaks, and foodies.

What do we offer to our users?

Woovly platform helps users to discover, identify, plan, and accomplish ideas/ experiences which they have always wanted to do. This can range from experiences like Being featured in a TV series/Watching the Northern Lights/Going for Bungee Jumping/Getting Fit/Learn a new language etc.

Our platform has over 3000+ user generated bucket list ideas, users experiences and stories. These experiences are of how they went about accomplishing it, or why they would want to accomplish it.

With our tool, the concept of ‘Bucket List Networking’ is now made easy.

What motivated us to start up?

While a lot of us are concentrating on building our professional portfolios, we don’t give ourselves the ‘me’ time that we require.

We realised that it’s important to make time and space for activities that actually matter. Along with that, we found that people had been searching and were already accomplishing such experiences.

With the same thought, we designed a social platform and brought in features that will make it simpler for users to identify their own Bucket Lists.

For now, with our platform users can discover, connect, share experiences, and accomplish the same. In the following months, the platform will have additional features like a planning tool, a leaderboard, gamification, along with connecting with the market.

Woovly had more than 10,000 users within the initial weeks of our launch.

Our Mobile App both for Android and iOS will be launched in the coming months.

What’s in a name?

We were looking at a new offbeat kind of a word, that will ring in the minds of individuals.

One fine day, we came up with the word ‘Woovly’.

Made up from two words – Woo and Woov.

Woo meaning to seek or trying to attract, and Woov meaning to take it a notch higher.

We wanted ‘Woovly’ to help users in discovering their bucket lists, connecting with similar interest people, accomplishing and start planning for more exciting bucket lists.

How do we see Social Media?

The number of online platforms is increasing by the minute. And as users are getting addictive to them, they are looking for communities/platforms that have a significant purpose and meaning.

Users have also been looking for communities with like-minded people in it who share similar interests and thoughts.

Woovly is designed to target a network of users who share similar kinds of interests.

We are aiming at building a community where users can add/ create bucket lists, share their bucket list experiences in the form of text/ images/ videos.

We are aiming at building a network with a reason which specifically avoids content that can be termed as junk or spam or irrelevant.

Currently we are…

We’re in the process of designing and developing the product. By working with 100s of users in the market, we have launched Woovly’s Beta version for desktop and mobile browsers.

We had hand picked users to understand the user experience and behaviour, which went well. To date, users have been loving the platform and have been classifying it as one of the most relevant ones with regard to their interests.

We have had half a million visitors who have on an average spent 3 minutes on the site, with multiple sessions, and the sessions are increasing day by day.

Our biggest challenge was…

Our biggest challenge within the Indian community was that people weren’t terming their ‘things they want to do list’ as a Bucket List. Bringing in awareness of the term and making it popular, were our major concerns.

Hence, with our social platform, the word Bucket List is being taken to ever common user.

We want to dominate the world by…

To date, we have more than 3,000+ user generated Bucket List Ideas which are contributed by users all around the world.

We have been testing our platform within the local community and are in the process of taking forward our product to the western part of the world in the coming years.

Our vision is to go global by offering millions of experiences to multi million users.

We’re making moolah by…

In the following years, our focus is to aggregate user experiences. This includes two kinds. One, those users who have accomplished Bucket List ideas, and two, those that have been wanting to do it.

We also have our definite revenue model which we will start working on after we build our bucket list community.

At the same time, our platform will continue to be free for users and they will not require a filled wallet.

Our What The **** Moment

At a meet up one day, we were mentioning how we are building a product in the bucket list space. And somebody from the crowd popped up like a spring and asked us if it was Woovly we were talking about.

That was our moment, from expecting absolutely nobody to recall and recognise us, we realised that people are connecting bucket list to Woovly!

Though we have had few moments like this in the past, the first one is still the best.

Industry as we foresee

As of 2015 report, 40 lakh Indians accomplished their bucket list, which was only 20-25% of the total accomplishments.

We realised that while people are accomplishing things that they have always wanted to do, not a lot of those people are aware of the term Bucket List.

We are looking at growing these recorded Indian community experiences by 40% by 2020.

Woovly is trying to fill the gap within the mature markets.

Lastly, Are you hiring?

We are strongly looking at entering the market competitively.

Woovly Platform Feature Woovly Travel Enthusiasts Bucket List Bringing Life To Life Adventure Seekers platform feature