
Snapchat collaborates with Amazon for Visual Search

Paawan Sunam
New Update
Snapchat Amazon

Snapchat has announced a new feature called visual search in partnership with the online shopping app, Amazon which would allow users to search for a product by pointing their app's camera to a physical product or it’s barcode.

Once the item is detected, an Amazon card will appear on screen leading to the Amazon app (if installed) or their website where you can buy the product, Snapchat said in its official blog.

People spot things they like in their daily life and would want to buy it but can’t because of lack of information on the product. Snapchat and Amazon might have seen an opportunity here and created this feature.

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Social media platforms are diverting towards including shopping on their platform as Facebook added marketplace and Instagram planning to add a shopping tab on the explore page, Snapchat enters the rally with an upper hand as the feature is innovative and not available on any other platform.

The feature has been rolled out to a small number of users, for now, the duration till launch on the entire scale is not confirmed yet.

marketplace amazon Visual Search tab search physical product barcode SnapChat Social media Shopping Instagram ‘Product visual #online shopping shopping tab Facebook explore page explore feature Social Media Platforms