
Twitter records over 300k Tweets around #AadhaarVerdict

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Twitter is the best and fastest place to see what’s happening in India and across the world. As Supreme Court yesterday announced the historic verdict by upholding the constitutional validity of Aadhaar, Twitter recorded over 300k related Tweets within 48 hours (Sep 25 - Sep 27, 2018) as Indians across the world exchanged their opinions on the platform regarding the verdict and the contentious provisions on mandatory linking of the unique ID with various non-essential services.

Amidst all dialogue, the conversations on Twitter peaked at 12pm IST on September 26, 2018, and lit up the country as seen in the heat map below. Key hashtags that emerged on Twitter around the subject included: #AadhaarVerdict, Supreme Court, Aadhar, #Aadhaar4Development, Justice Chandrachud, #AadhaarJudgment, aadhaar act, #AadhaarForBanking, #HumHainAadhaarKeSaath, #आधार, सुप्रीम कोर्ट, आधार कार्ड.

The peaked heat signals can be seen here.

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Mahima Kaul (@misskaul), Head- Public, Policy and Government, Twitter India said, “Twitter is the best place to know what is happening in your community, city or country. The conversations surrounding the historic verdict on Aadhar validation by the Supreme Court on the platform surface the diverse viewpoints on the issue and reinforce Twitter as the best place for citizens to participate in real-time discussions on national issues.”

The exchange between Indians across the world on the subject ranged from congratulating the government on the verdict to expressing disappointment on the validation. Some of the Top Tweets in terms of number of Retweets include:

Mahima Kaul (@misskaul) Twitter Twitter India Supreme court Tweets India unique ID Policy and Government Justice Chandrachud Head- Public Aadhar Aadhaar: aadhaar act #HumHainAadhaarKeSaath #AadhaarVerdict #AadhaarJudgment #AadhaarForBanking #Aadhaar4Development