
Interview: Trumatter's Rukmini Kadam believes a bit of creativity and a bit of paint can take one a long way

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Rukmini Kadam

Rukmini Ray Kadam is the proud founder of Trumatter where she edits and styles designs to execute some cool decor ideas. Kadam shares her journey since the inception of the blog and how it feels to see it growing each day.

Kadam likes to call it a one (wo)man blog, everything shot, written and curated by her. Inspired by comfort and informality, Trumatter does it all, from tricks to adding a wallpaper differently to using simple things as postcards to creating dreamy decor.

Here is Rukmini Kadam in her own words, taking us through the journey so far, the content creation space, raking moolah through blogging, and much more.


Looking back, where did it all begin?

  1. In a room in Andheri!

We were sharing a room in Andheri west, a girl from Delhi and I, and it forever pained me to come home to a place that didn't feel like I belong here. It's a rental, we are working- it's all fine, fact. But what are we working for? What are we working towards? I think it is then the seed of "quality of life" was sown in, and I tried to get in/change around little things in my home that gave me joy. That created a sense of belonging. Because everything began with DIY I started documenting it in my blog and that's that! I always wanted a home that feels open, free, and filled with sunshine and with Trumatter we started sailing towards that.


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Crawling back in here! Oh and today my dear is the best day in the history of all days. Why you may ask? Because today good won over evil. Food won over diet (if you know what happened you'll know) i slept like a baby in the afternoon, took a lovely decision and my family was super happy to see me on TV. Haha. You know this got me thinking how true the "we'll see" approach holds to life. The other day I was sitting in my balcony thinking if any of this is worth and told myself "we'll see". Today I'm feeling grateful beyond the moon for being able to etch a smile on the faces that truly love me. Which also got me thinking that if we shift our focus from ourselves to others and keep the benefit of others primary, suddenly life brims with purpose. Oh, dont mind me. I'm a little soppy with the Rinpoche and the beautiful Buddhist teachings. Have a great night y'all.

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What's in the name?

Haha, makes me laugh out loud. I was working in an agency and my CEO kind of saw me writing on a doc and asked me to move to an online platform. Now seriously, I had no idea how a blog worked back in the day but we started anyway. Question was, what did I want to call that blog? All I knew was I wanted to write something straight from the heart- no matter what it is and we thought how about True-Matter. We had to drop the E because well, domain!

What is your USP in this cluttered space? How does your content give you an edge?

A bit of creativity and a bit of paint can take one a long way in getting that perfect home and one doesn't need to spend large bucks for that. I think these very relatable aspects of what I blog with gives Trumatter it's edge.

I use my home as a canvas to showcase how a simple, ordinary apartment can turn into a space you'd love to spend time in and People really relate to the whole process of turning everyday mundane things to objects that becomes your source of joy.

Please take us through your content creation process. How do you stay relevant and relatable?

I think my content creation process solely depends on the day and weather. Haha, I know you'll be kind of taken aback at this given how content calendars are made a month prior and SEO is analyzed and trends are seen (I work in one of country's leading food app as a social manager and trust me I know) but when it comes to Trumatter, I solely rely on the mood of the day to curate my content and that kind of strikes a chord.

Wait, I think it's called being contextual.

How do you rake moolah with your efforts?

Bro, I love your questions. It's bringing that feeling of hustling back. I do a lot of brand collaborations, workshops, blogs and videos and ofcourse, I have a little shop of my own which is raking in quite some moolah if I be honest. We cater with everything that's 100% #TrumatterStyle - a style that's effortless, breezy, reminds you of the ocean and brings out the boho from in you.

How do you maintain editorial objectivity with the influx of brand briefs?

Fairness and Balance. And for that to happen, you must choose with brands you want to work with. If you believe in the brand you're working with, objectivity is easy to maintain with brand briefs and deliverables.

Also Read: Interview: Swarali Kulkarni of Mumbai Food Junkie on the business of blogging!

One instance/experience that made it all worthwhile

Two. The first award and the first magazine feature. Now you see, I have never been the person who wins things. I was a good student but slow for being exceptional. I did things but I didn't do too much in little time. As a child, I was always quite disappointed at my efforts because they won me nothing. It's funny! But then I started this blog one day with 0 expectations. I didn't want to earn money from it, I didn't want to be known- I did not have any expectations from trumatter. And then one day, I was there recieveing the award for the best blog for decor and design in India. It was so ecstatic, I quite couldn't believe I won something.

And then of course the first magazine feature when one of the leading lifestyle mags featured me in their June issue. Similar shivers, sweeter feelings.

I had definitely found my groove.

Validations are not always a bad thing. You don't need them, but they sure make you feel good. Like a bar of dark chocolate.  

Weirdest brand brief/request ever

There are many. But one strikes instantly- we are a brand from x city. We have a furniture brand from X. Can you come to X and blog about us because if you are in Mumbai how will the TG of X believe your blog? Like just when we thought exposure was done and dusted.

If not blogging, you would be?

Nothing. I tried. Trust me and I couldn't be anything else.

But hypothetically, I'd be a samurai who has like mad skills in Katana swinging.

A day in your life....

You asked for this...following a speeding 407 truck. I wake up and gulp Chai. Or coffee. I cannot function without chai.

Then shoot for the day's content, make a To-Do list of things that need to be done, shoot, edit and out on social by 10:20

One glass of smoothie and then off to work for an 8 hour (or more) shift.

Come back, while on my way do things I am supposed to do

Dinner, Netflix and second round of blogging


Message/tips for upcoming bloggers

If you are blogging for your own amusement- well, do things that make you happy, blog when it makes you happy- validations not required

But if you are blogging to concrete your career in the vertical- cater to people with good content (one that you will read yourself and will solve some kind of problem- either physical or emotional), have a good hygiene (post every week, promote them on your social channels, evaluate your content and ace your own mark) and network with like-minded people from whom there's a lot to learn.

This internet space is brimming with clutter and cutting through that will need that bright shining light. Find yours and stick to it.

Your Favorite Influencer

Justina Blakeney & Whitney Leighmorris. These two girls are killing it.

Also from India, it's Nilu Yulina Thapa from BHLM. She is so real. So good.

The Future you foresee for your Personal Brand

Cats running trumatter and one of them getting me wine at any given point. But if that's not happening, a little boutique design studio where we design spaces - big or small- trumatterstyle and a small shop that caters with trumatterstyle vintage, rustic goodies.

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