
Facebook for developers updated with debugging tools and more

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Facebook for developers update

Facebook for developers has launched new tools for debugging, API documentation resolver to connect you to the related documentation and few tools to identify and fix new bugs.

API Documentation Resolver

When working with the Graph API, many common issues can be solved by reviewing documentation and checking the valid fields, parameters, or permissions required for a particular endpoint. The API Documentation Resolver can provide you with the relevant documentation page based on your API request, saving you time.

Object Visibility Debugger

When querying certain objects via the Graph API, you may encounter the “unsupported get request” response, which suggests you can't access the object. However, the reasons for that may not be clear.

The Object Visibility Debugger tool may help you better understand why a particular object is not available.

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Messenger Webhook Recent Errors Tool

When your Messenger bot doesn't work as expected, the cause can often be traced to the setup and/or handling of Webhooks. The new Recent Errors tool allows you to check the logs on Facebook's side to see any errors with Webhook delivery.

To use this tool, head to the Messenger section of the App Dashboard, and under the Webhooks section, you can launch the tool by clicking “show recent errors”.

New Features

The new Graph API Explorer now shows typeahead suggestions for available edges and fields, along with their descriptions, on particular nodes. Without needing to refer to documents for valid fields, you can now build queries  faster and more easily than ever before.

If Facebook systems detect your app exhibiting any issues at all, they now show an alert on the Developer Support page along with recommended tools to help in debugging.

bugs object issues API developer Messenger Dashboard Developers section page Facebook Support Webhooks section Webhooks Webhook Support page resolver Recent Errors Object Visibility Debugger Object Visibility Messenger Webhook identify Graph API Explorer Graph API Graph visibility fix fields facebook for developers explorer documentation Developer Support page . Developer Support debugging Tool Debugger App Dashboard API Explorer API documentation resolver API documentation delivery new tools App launch errors tools