
Interview: Take inspiration but don’t copy: Magali Vaz

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Magali Vaz

Magali Vaz, Founder - talks about her blogging journey so far, the USP she takes pride in, and all that it takes for monetising content.

A 25-year-old content creator, Magali Vaz started her blogging journey with when she was just starting her junior college. Apart from being a beauty, personal style, and lifestyle blogger, Vaz shows deep interest in cats, is an absolute chai-lover and spends about a quarter of every year as a digital nomad.

In conversation with Social Samosa, Vaz spills the beans behind the name, brand collaborations, monetisation in the digital age and much more.


Looking back, where did it all begin?

I’ve had blogs since before social media existed, but they were just personal diaries. But my journey as a content creator started in earnest just over ten years ago. I had just started college, I was still unsure of what I wanted to do in the future but knew that writing would be involved - so I started yet another blog, but this time I stuck with it!

What’s in the name?

A lot, when it comes to your personal brand. I started my blogs under a name but rebranded them a few years later to my own name. My YouTube channel is also simply called ‘Magali Vaz’. When I was starting out as a blogger, we were told to stick to one niche only, but over time blogs & social media by extension have evolved. Now, having my content under my own name helps me talk about more diverse topics & it does help to have a unique name.

What is your USP in this cluttered space? How does your content give you an edge?

I’d like to think that I explain things well. When it comes to reviews, I like my content to be genuinely helpful to viewers. When it comes to visuals, my mantra is to keep things high quality & real. I rarely work with photographers & videographers, I’m a control freak so I prefer to do things myself, with a lot of help from mom!

Please take us through your content creation process. How do you stay relevant and Relatable?

My content is a mix of stuff that I want to create & share, as well as stuff that I think will fit a niche / help someone. The digital media landscape is changing quickly so one needs to be able to adapt with the times. Otherwise, I’m quite stubborn with what I create, I’d rather stick to doing things my way even if that means it’ll be seen less or be less ‘sharable’.

How do you take moolah with your efforts?

Content Creation is my full-time job so I definitely need to make it sustainable. I earn with a mix of brand collabs, affiliate programs & display ads - gotta have multiple income streams!

How do you maintain editorial objectivity with the influx of brand briefs?

Firstly, I only work with brands & business I’d normally use or patronise as an individual (no fairness / lightening products, weight loss / detox or shaping things, for example). Brands usually have a brief in mind but do understand that it’s important to let me create content that is true to me & resonates with my audience.

One instance/experience that made it all worthwhile.

I don’t have that one special moment, but whenever anyone appreciates a piece of content that I put work into, like a product review or a travel information video, it makes my day that I’m able to help someone.

Weirdest brand brief/request ever

There have been some. A few years ago, I took part in a brand backed challenge that involved brushing my teeth in public to promote oral hygiene. It was mortifying at first but ended up being a lot of fun.

If not blogging, you would be?

Definitely something adjacent, probably journalism, writing or PR.

Also Read: Interview: Maintaining editorial aesthetics in my content is a regular phenomena: Kalapalette, Apurva Saxena

A day in your life....

Every single day is different! Some days I’m up at 6 & working for 14 hours, other days are more relaxed. I do miss the structure sometimes, but it’s rewarding to get to take time off whenever I want (even though I have to work twice as hard after!)

Message/tips for upcoming bloggers

A bit cliché but stay true to yourself. Take inspiration but don’t copy. Don’t be afraid to embrace your uniqueness.

Your Favorite Influencer

Among International influencers, I’m crushing hard on Ashley aka best dressed, a lifestyle vlogger. Among Indians, I recently came across Rachel aka The Eclectic One, her fashion content is next level.

The Future you foresee for your Personal Brand

I’ve never been much of a planner, I prefer spontaneity. So in the words of David Bowie, ‘I don’t know where I’m going from here but I promise it won’t be boring!’

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