
Facebook is updating and adding tools for memorialized accounts

Paawan Sunam
New Update
Facebook memorialized accounts

Facebook is introducing a new tributes section, adding additional controls for Legacy Contacts, Memorialization and AI for memorialized accounts.

Memorialized accounts are the accounts whose original holder has passed away but has been notified to Facebook by a Legacy Contact.

The tributes section has been expanded with a separate tab, where family and friends can post stories, remember milestones and more while preserving the original timeline.


Legacy contacts can monitor posts shared on the tributes section, by changing or removing tags, editing who can post or see posts. Facebook also now lets parents who have lost children under 18 to request to become their legacy contact.

Also Read: Facebook & Instagram to remove, reduce, demote & inform about inappropriate content

The platform now only allows friends and family members to request to have an account memorialized. If the accounts hasn't been memorialized Facebook is using AI to keep it from showing up in places that might cause distress.

Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer, Facebook in a blogpost mentioned, "These changes are the result of feedback we heard from people of different religions and cultural backgrounds as well as experts and academics. We’re grateful to them for helping us understand how we can build more tools to help people find comfort in times of grief."

platform update ai media news timeline Agency Feature : C Com tab Stories Tributes Section Tributes memorialized accounts memorialized family section Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg social media new Memorialization Legacy Contacts Facebook memorialized accounts updates Facebook memorialized accounts friends Accounts post tools