
#Superwomen2019: Don’t let anyone stop you: Arunima Singh, Wunderman Thompson

Social Samosa
New Update
Arunima Singh

Arunima Singh, Business Director, Wunderman awarded in the Agency Professionals of #SSSuperwomen2019, takes us through her journey, one superpower at a time.

A media maven with 18+ years of experience in marketing across various assignments was heeded at the fourth edition of Social Samosa Superwomen for her superpowers and willingness to explore & experiment.

She believes, "It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference."

Read on to know about the one superpower she wishes she had, the superwomen that inspire her, and more.

How would you define a Superwoman in today's day and age?

Being gender agnostic, nothing less than any other person. Always ON.

One quality that you think every superwoman has and that helped you win Social Samosa Superwomen…

Multi-Tasker yet focussed. Women are known to work much more on all fronts, be it family, children, workplace, social work or engagements and that too 24x7 makes them Superwomen.

How successful have women been in shattering the glass ceiling in the Media & Advertising field? Does the 'boardroom inequality' phrase still stand true?

Many of the largest companies are being run by women and/or women are many of the leadership positions and all are doing great and are being respected. The Boardroom inequality is almost done away with to a large extent. However, this still needs more work.

Also Read:#Superwomen2019: No one but you knows what you’re capable of: Malini Agarwal

What are the key changes this industry needs in order to make workplaces gender neutral, safe, and nurturing?

The foremost is and will always be is awareness & education on inclusivity & gender neutrality as well as safety through various mediums, be it seminars, workshops, one-on-one engagements, poster campaigns during work hours and off hours, be it on duty time or off-duty time.

One Superpower you wish you had?

To be able to Fly all over to save productive time :)

The 'Superwoman' you diligently follow and who inspired you…

My mother

One tip to women out there attempting to scale heights…

Dream Big. Just go for it. Don’t let anyone stop you.

Social Samosa Superwomen 2019 was organized in association with – RaisinPitaaraJean Claude Biguine, and White Owl– as gifting partners, Sheroes as Community Partner, Boathouse Media as Video Partner, Women’s Web and Being Woman as Online media partners. 

field Communication Language campaign company superwomen productive Wunderman inequality consumption marketing Companies customers audience marketing strategy SEO equity digital medium edition digital consulting Apps Agency professionals direction medium features Advertising follow social samosa firm internet Digital Media workplaces content marketing Brands category consultancy industry Design Leadership Clients Business Director agency boardroom inequality boardroom positions Arunima Singh Time