
LinkedIn is updating with new features

Paawan Sunam
New Update
LinkedIn Updates

LinkedIn is keeping the community tight by adding new features; LinkedIn Updates include sharing photos and tagging people, sharing videos via messages and more.

The platform is improving interactions by including more features that smoothen this experience. Take a look at all LinkedIn Updates

Share a photo and tag people

From now on, when you share a photo you can tag people in it, letting your connections know who is who, and gives a chance to know them.

More reactions

The recently released reactions would let you 'clap' when your teammate is promoted, show love when a friend shares an experience with you, you can spark a 'lightbulb' when you hear an insightful idea.

Share a moment with a video message

You can now share ideas, experiences and more via videos in messaging.

Also Read:LinkedIn partners with Oracle Data Cloud for new ways to measure video performance

Share a document or presentation

Post your PDFs carrying ideas, pitches or information on LinkedIn via the feed, in a group, or on your page. The feature helps you give people some inside scoop.

Post and messaging buttons

The post button has a new home in the bottom center of your screen, and the message button now lives in the top right corner, letting you post and message 'on the move'.

Groups and Hashtags

Find all the groups you’re part of and hashtags you follow on the right side of your feed on desktop or by clicking on your profile picture at the top left on mobile. You can now easily visit your groups and catch up on hashtags you follow.

LinkedIn Updates 2019 groups presentation updates people information Hashtags Messages video message intercations Message features page Tag Photos experience Ideas group community Video moment linkedin new feature platform LinkedIn linkedin updates reactions pitches linkedin news document