
#SMLive 2019: Panel unravels the world of OTT content and screenagers

Each show comes with unique possibilities and lessons for campaign creators. At #SMLive 2019, three weigh in, share views on screenagers.

Jagruti Verma
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#SMLive 2019: Panel unravels the world of OTT content and screenagers

Each show comes with unique possibilities and lessons for campaign creators. At #SMLive 2019, three weigh in and share views on marketing to screenagers.

Who is a Screenager?

"I believe anyone with a smartphone is a screenager," says Mehul Gupta, Co-Founder/CEO at SoCheers. It is important to understand that though age is an important factor, it does not factor in primarily for here it all comes down to access to technology. For Sowmya Iyer, CEO at Dvio Digital, the default time that a person spends before a screen defines them as a screenager.

Shrenik Gandhi, CEO at White Rivers Media added to the discussion, saying that there has been a rise in regional media and that things are becoming mainstream. "People want something close to reality. They want relatable and logical content," chips in Mehul, explaining how this can be seen in the number of biopics that are being created.

Good content will always be consumed irrespective of the source of the content, says Sowmya. This is why when a campaign is being created around a show, authenticity becomes key. One needs to create a personality that attracts people to the core cause. She nudges people to wonder where the campaign stands on the authenticity board.

Explaining the rise of OTT platforms and its consequences, Sowmya explains how going forward data will be used in interesting ways. She says, "OTT platforms allow you access to a lot of data. If you can understand the watch patterns, then you can customise and make it immersive." This can then be put to use to enhance engagement.

Quick takeaways:

  • Influencers on different platforms and other associations are key.
  • Presence on multiple platforms is an easy way to reach out to a wider audience.
  • The best campaign is where viewers talk about your content without having to ask them to talk about your content.
  • Key is to have the right kind of content for the right set of audiences.

See the full session here:<0>=68.ARD0HZGyBXwDU9BH7mHhCkiFgpvqvd_BwbOrWXZa3SYbn8OC2jXfrMQ8FSLtoZ664xZ2PSTzNXQ3EjBnV7DCExLyCBYCcsZAE25jbA6ZBPPINlVlLggbakFtHiwNSBk34NaNi5z2tiFoEIYgctUM2I_okhAve7O63jC4dhtngZ8uiFdyT4Gdf197R1cHBm8zr5TRIASZTdSPzFCc6QiR6zMkUas8dc3DZTb-ECOmh0JGAeRLh7ui6_VDUY_0JV4DAbRQHDRK45QB2XWqf7zeW5Cah6TyuR41OErNl6c9T_F7tsT85ODHQ2JzFpvE1yj1bFL6rsBNq4og0pOzldf3TfQC6AL1DZGLpetmxg&__tn__=-R
sowmya iyer SoCheers Mehul Gupta OTT platforms DViO Digital digital campaigns white rivers media Shrenik Gandhi content campaigns ott content campaigns