
Platform Feature: Brandintellé

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About the Platform

Started developing in 2012, Brandintellé is the result of collaborative efforts of like-minded veterans of the marketing industry and next-gen thinkers. The team is headed by Biswajit Das, Founder, Brandintellé Services Pvt Ltd who was joined by Sridhar Ramasubramanian Partner and Strategic Advisor and Robin Das, who is ex Accenture, India.

Brandintellé has been designed keeping in mind the needs of large corporates who need to manage and monitor their marketing investments based on budgets, plans & ROI. The platform provides hyper-automation of all marketing activities enabling flexible budget discipline, cost-savings, planning, KPI tracking & transparency within the enterprise. 

An associated service called

Dataintellé helps companies make informed decisions and marketing course

corrections for the campaign. This platform uses techniques such as Big Data

Processing, Cubes-based Reporting, Machine-learning to bring multiple data-sets


Who do we cater to? 

Brandintellé Services Pvt Ltd is targeting all large corporations that invest more than 5% of their top line in marketing, be they from any sector.

What do we offer to our


We offer a set of two

IT-enabled services to our corporate clients:

  • Extreme process

    automation of all their marketing functions across the enterprise.
  • Help reduce turnaround

    time for making course marketing corrections by integrating marketing data

    with sales data, competition data, market research data, retail data,


But our real goal is to eliminate the need for making marketing course corrections. We hope to achieve this by offering machine learning-based & crowd-sourced data at the time of creating & approving plans.

What motivated us to startup?

With more than 2 decades of experience in the marketing & advertising industry, our team is more than familiar with ins & outs of the advertising & media industry workflow & business processes.

We found a real need for comprehensive process automation for marketing functions - where everything is in data silos. That’s how the concept of Brandintellé took birth. The next step was Dataintellé - which aggregates marketing data with sales data, competition data, market research data, & generates analytical reports.

What's in a name?

During our early stages,

one of our team members (Deepak Chheda) had coined the working title”

Adintelligez”. Much later, our senior communications consultant (Benny D’Souza)

came up with the name “Brandintell”. And finally, Intel Corporation was

responsible for giving a distinctly ‘continental’ twist by insisting that we

change it to “Brandintellé”.

How do we see Social


More than anything else, we feel that social media has given a personal, almost casual touch to the most serious businesses. Of course, focused customer targeting and leveraging to bring in more innovations is what social media brings on the plate for brands.

Social media provides a system that works two-ways - brands are constantly focusing on more consumer satisfaction with customers responding with reviews and feedback. Never has any new platform become such an integral part of the marketing system as social media!

Also read: Platform Feature: SBLOB

Our biggest challenge was...

We had to struggle to get recognition from the market. Today, with clients & alliances with a consulting firm, Brandintellé is ready to spread its wings.

We want to dominate the world...

Our vision is to create an organized world where people focus on bringing in more creativity and productivity through their efforts; so, we help them by taking all their tedious work and provide them with Business Intelligence. This helps them grow together with the company increasing morale and efficiency for better performance.  

We dream of building a

world where work happens seamlessly, and everyone lives satisfactorily. 

We’re making moolah


To put it very simply,

we offer a cloud-based SaaS model to all our customers.

Our What The **** Moment

Our lawyer’s response to Intel Corporation: “Intel maybe your brand, but Brandintell is ours.” (Btw, we agreed to add the trailing “é”.)

The industry as we foresee

Social Media has become essential to all businesses. However, with more and more people being able to access the internet, and with the presence of interactive tools, the strategic approach for social media platforms requires a delicate balance. 

Social media channels are making deeper inroads in the Indian market with presence even in rural markets where India’s ¾ population resides. This is where we will enter an era of niche advertising. 

In the coming years, we hope to see a mature & responsible social media which has not lost its sense of fun!

Lastly, are you hiring?

We are always on the

lookout to augment our technology team as well as our newly formed data science


tools for cloud based SaaS mode; Tool cloud-based SaaS model for brands Sridhar Ramasubramanian Robin Das platform feature brandintelle Brandintelle brand planning tools Biswajit Das brandintelle Biswajit Das platform feature