
Trust is what keeps your audience intact: Supreet Sidhu, Food Blogger

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Supreet Sidhu

An engineer working in information technology and services, Supreet Sidhu is a big-time foodie who escapes from monotonous life to explore places & try scrumptious food.

To curate his own space on a digital platform, Supreet Sidhu started with to highlight his travel and food journey. An engineer by profession and a foodie by passion, Supreet believes in giving honest recommendations to his audience for building trust.

Looking back, where did it all begin? 

It all started around 3 years back, while I was struggling with the academic curriculum of Engineering which was definitely not what I had imagined it to be. Nevertheless, I've always been a big-time foodie and living at a place like Delhi, it was no less than a paradise for me which encouraged me a lot to go for food errands every now and then.

On Weekends, I kept myself occupied with this activity which later turned into my hobby and eventually into a passion. That was when I thought of coining and curating my own space on the digital platform for which I found Instagram to be the most active and best platform to start with.

What’s in the name? 

The name was more than just a name for me as it came out very random while brainstorming about it, I didn't want it to be a sophisticated one with keywords like gourmet, traveler, foodie, etc. I ended up with '' which was fun in itself.

What is your USP in this cluttered space? How does your content give you an edge?

From where it started for me, I've seen a huge transformation in almost every aspect. Be it the content, engagement or audience. My prime focus has always been the kind of food that is simply irresistible for a person like me who has always been more of a Street Food person rather than going for the fancy food options and spending heavily on them.

My biggest USP is the audience interaction, I always try to keep it witty yet honest. The kind of responses I get from them is what keeps me motivated to curating more and more content each day.

Please take us through your content creation process. How do you stay relevant and relatable?

I've always found great content in the most unlikely places. From a very average street-side vendor selling 'Gola Chuski' or 'Bhel Puri' to Themed Food Festivals, my thought-process behind a content revolves around just one question, whether it is worth it or not. It is because no one would appreciate a bad recommendation. I believe trust is what keeps your audience intact.

How do you make moolah with your efforts? 

Recently I've started getting brand leads for their product promotion. They usually pay for the kind of content and audience visibility. Although statistics these days are very skeptical with the illicit practices being done by a lot of influencers out there.

Organic audience and creative content definitely pay off as has been in my case.

One instance/experience that made it all worthwhile 

It definitely has to be the first four-figure as my follower count on Instagram. I've never kept myself running behind the numbers yet the feeling of accomplishment I got on my first 1000 followers was really something.

Since then there have been a lot of moments including getting my posts in the trending feed, getting mentions by big names and being invited to media events, sharing the same table with legendary figures from the Food & Beverage Industry.

All of it has added to this amazing food journey of mine. It becomes very special when people start recognizing you by your work, that feeling is very extraordinary.

Weirdest brand brief/request ever 

This is really funny because the current scenario is all about Wierd brand promotion requests. Recently, I was reached out by a brand asking for a video engagement which reminded me of whackiest videos from TikTok.

How can one make a food-experience look funny? Like Spilling out food or giving weird facial expressions? I mean this is simply a negative-promotion idea for me, but you see the Demand-Supply chain, people do that too.

A day in your life…

Curating the post's content for the day, thinking about audience engagement ideas, dealing with my official work, making plans for the weekend and keeping my response-rate 100% as that is one part I enjoy a lot.

Message/tips for upcoming bloggers 

Don't be superficial, keep your content original and try being as innovative as possible and try to bring something unique because that is what will help you stand out from the rest.

Your Favorite Influencer

There are a lot but yes, I must mention my junior buddy- Sparsh @foodiesparsh. He is doing a tremendous job with his creativity and photography skill-set, I truly admire his work. Also, @foodiesince96 has always been my food walk partner and inspiration behind this journey.

Also Read: Never neglect social media: Nishita, Rants and Raves

The Future you foresee for your Personal Brand 

  • I'm working on something crazy which I strongly believe will take this initiative to a new level.
  • Engaging with the same audience about the latest buzz.
  • I just want my audience to be intact by being as informative as possible with my work and experience. 
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