
Agency Feature: Prosmit

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Agency Feature: Prosmit

How would you define Prosmit?

SMIT Digital Marketing Pvt Ltd. was set up in 2011 is based out of Ahmedabad and operates via its front-end brand Prosmit Inc.

Under Prosmit Inc, the company handles more than 135+ active clients across 20+ different industries. The clients that Prosmit Inc works along with range from Public Limited Cos. to Main-street Chain Of Store brands across Gujarat.

The company also runs its own Training Institute and has to its credit more than 150+ corporates trained & certified under them. Currently, the firm has a close-knit team of 6 people and additionally 8 people working virtually on a full-time basis.

What's in

the name?

SMIT stands for Sales and Marketing with Information Technology. As SMIT Digital Marketing Pvt Ltd. could foresee that service branding would be highly relevant over the period as we grow our service portfolio and market becomes more competitive, it decided to operate its business operations with a front-end brand: Prosmit Inc. Prosmit was coined from Professionals in Sales & Marketing with Information Technology. While Inc. obviously seems as an abbreviation of Incorporation, actually it stands for Internet n Communications.

What we do?

As a boutique Digital Agency, we custom craft our campaigns

creatively for our clients in the following service domains:

  1. Organic

  2. Programmatic

  3. Google

  4. E-commerce


Why we do it?

Our founder Amish Shah was exposed to the Digital Marketing world while working as Marketing Head for a US-based company way back in 2009. He saw a huge untapped potential for India market and thus decided to kick start his own firm in 2011. After some initial turbulence related to tapping first-mover advantage, the business got stabilized since 2017 onward.

How we


Over the period, we realized the need for retaining good talent lied in letting your team members feel-at-home. It was then that it brought into practice the Work-From-Home since 2015 with 8 employees working virtually thereby helping bring down the attrition turnover count. Also as a hiring practice from day one, SMIT Digital Marketing has always believed in hiring 1 super-efficient talent on-board instead of raising headcount with piece-meal work profiles. Today, SMIT has 0% attrition rate for the last 3.5 years.

Social responsibility in social media

Since 2011, SMIT Digital Marketing has been working along empowering the specially-abled people of Apang Manav Mandal, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad and helping those special fellows get trained in Digital Marketing with placement assistance.

Need of the


The need of the hour is for Agencies to get collaborated and organized. As Digital being the youngest amongst other existing options like Print, TV, Radio or Outdoors, agencies must voluntary get associated across cities/state/nation-wide to draft some working rules for qualified Agencies that includes all aspects related to service delivery standards, pricing mechanism, issue escalation, client ombudsman body, etc. This will help restore the faith of those clients who have either burnt their hands in past or fear to indulge now because of lack of any specific parameters to govern or rate the Agencies.  

We learned the hard way

  1. Don’t jump into Digital Marketing just because it may seem cost-effective or in-trend option to be into business. The boundary lines to doing business in Digital Marketing may be blurred, but if you wish to stick around for a long run do not miss to have some policies and ethics in place.
  2. Don’t get Digital Marketing if you have too many aspirations and expect too fast results. Some things may take time to fall in place within the ocean of resources you may discover once you have taken the plunge. Be calm, be realistic and be focused.

Also Read: Agency Feature: DigiDarts

They work

with us

SOMA Textiles, Silver

Oak University, Jeaband, Pipara & Co., Sheth Opticals, RforRabbit, Hypox, GRD,

Omnivore Partners, Gelco Electronics, Jaydeep Hospital, Shyamal Saumil, Astrologer

Bejan Daruwalla

Industry as we foresee

With AI/MI converging into regular mainstream Social Media over the coming years, this industry becomes more relevant to everyone than ever. Chatbots and other Voice-based Marketing Tools assisted by Big Data should control the reins of most lives on Social Media and push them into hands of few players who may become more powerful than ever to influence and affect opinions worldwide.

Digital Agencies if rightly using the available resources over the period, may find them doing exceptionally well compared to traditional marketing folks and the industry growth rate may increase by leaps & bounds. Also, the industry may come under some stricter purview and guiding rules/laws of Government. We should be seeing a lot of privacy issues cropping up for Social Media giants.  

A day without Internet

It definitely is need of the hour too.Too much of anything leads to painful something. More internet access across multiple devices leads to a lot of physical and phycological disorders.

Lastly, are

you hiring?


SMIT digital marketing agency Prosmit ahemdabad Prosmit digital marketing agency ahemdabad digital marketing agency