
Tool Feature: Wizikey

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About the tool!

As per reports, India has over 2.5 Mn businesses using Ad-tech tools, but only 20,000 of them leverage the power of PR. Wizikey aims to help them share their stories with the world through the power of technology in public relations.

Wizikey is a PR Software-as-a-Service that simplifies PR by using data and AI - making it accessible to all.

Through the tool, one can discover and pitch relevant media persons and journalists, measure their PR’s impact, and more - all through a sleek, easy-to-use software.

Who founded the product/company?

Wizikey is

co-founded by Anshul Sushil and Aakriti Bhargava. Together, they have worked

with 300+ businesses, creating effective communications for them.

What platforms does it cover?


has three tools, each with a variety of functions.

  • WiziDo, the content, and tracking management tool, helps you write, track and formulate your story. It does not cover any platforms.
  • Wizikey’s measurement tool, Wizdom, analyses data from the top publications of the country to measure the user’s Earned Media Authority, a metric to quantify their PR activities’ impact.
  • In its media connect tool, WizConnect, Wizikey features over 2500 publications to help you connect with the right journalist.

Features of the tool?

Wizikey comprises of the following tools (with more features consistently in development!)

  • WiziDo: Smooth, comprehensive PR workflow management.
  • WizConnect: Relevance-based targeting to 20,000+ journalists
  • Wizdom: Realtime analytics to measure your media authority against competitors

The combined usage of these tools

ensures informed decision making and targeted execution - ensuring effective,

relevant PR with measurable ROI.


analytics support does the tool provide?

  • Earned Media Authority - realtime analytics from top publications to help brands measure their PR’s impact.
  • Filter and relevance - based targeting for a curated list of 20,000+ media persons.
  • Email metrics to track engagement.

Does it give an option to download reports?


Wizikey does give an option to download reports.

What kind of sentiment analysis does it do and how

accurate is it?

Wizikey is developing a sentiment analysis of brands where users can measure whether the media is positive about the brand or they’re talking negatively about it.

Also read: Tool Feature: Do Your Thng

What’s the algorithm for sentiment analysis?


proprietary algorithm has been built with precision and care by our tech team -

who keep it close to themselves! It analyses multiple aspects like journalist

followers, publications and ratings, content genre, user comments and so forth.

The algorithm is confidential.

What are the brands/agencies that are using this tool?

UrbanClap, SAIF Partners, BlockChain, Junglee Games, Info Edge, Bertelsmann India Investments are among a few brands currently using the power of Wizikey in their PR.

Road Map

Wizikey aims to resolve the following problems-

  • Help users find relevant journalists with precision - by adding a journalist recommendation system based upon several data points.
  • Templates to help users write their own pitch - because no one tells their story better than themselves!
  • Sentiment analysis- to gauge whether specific news is positive or negative towards a brand.

The Team

Founded by Anshul Sushil, IIT and MICA alumnus with a penchant for creating iconic brands, and Aakriti Bhargava, 40 under 40 (Reputation Today) and SRCC, MICA alumna with a vision to make PR accessible to all, Wizikey's foundation rests strongly on the perfect synergy of technology and communications.

Wizikey’s team was built on a similar notion - and consists of 15 individuals spread across Tech, Business, and Communications.

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