
Soon, you can limit who replies to your tweet; Twitter tests new feature

Twitter is reportedly working on a feature that will allow users to limit the number of users who can reply to their tweet.

Jagruti Verma
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New Update
limit tweet replies

Twitter is reportedly working on a feature that will allow users to limit replies on their tweets to Global, Group, Panel and Statement.

Apart from restricted accounts and tweets, Twitter is a space where everything is public. Everyone can put across opinions, engage in conversations they care about. Essentially, it is a free platform. However, given the rise of hate speech, the inconvenience caused by unwanted hindrance in constructive discourse and privacy issues have given way to the option for users to limit tweet replies.

Recently, in an event in Las Vegas, Twitter representative spoke about how the platform is working on introducing the option to limit tweet replies by giving users to choose the Conversation Participants for the tweets they put up on the microblogging platform. The options will include Global, Group, Panel and Statement.

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Essentially, in Global, everyone will be allowed to reply to the tweet. in the Group option, the participants would be people the user follows and has mentioned in the tweet. Panel will allow only the mentioned people to reply to the tweet. Statement will disallow anyone to tweet back.

The move is expected to help reduce the cases of abuse and harassment on the platform to a certain extent. However, it is not a full-proof step as it can also be misused by influencers, politicians and brands in limiting flak against their work and policies.

If it is found to be successful in the experimental stage, the feature will be rolled out globally later this year.

tweet replies limit tweet replies how to limit tweet replies Twitter Twitter News twitter harassment twitter abuse