Latest Posts on Instagram is a section being developed for users to catch up in the recent posts they missed out on.
As uncovered by the reverse engineer Jane Manchun Wong & later confirmed by Alexandru Voica, EMEA Communications Manager, Facebook, the feature shows a pop-up when you open Instagram with the options to see the latest posts from the accounts you follow or scroll your Home Feed.
Voica mentions, the feature is an early prototype developed at a recent hackathon, and is not available publicly or will be any time soon. Although Instagram does seem to be working on it, they later renamed the section to 'Here's What You Missed'.
Instagram Users have long been asking for a chronological feed, for as long as Twitter users have been asking for an 'edit' button. The reverse-chronological section might be the closest users get.
Platforms are always muddled between 'top posts' and 'latest posts'. Recently, Twitter added a 'sparkle' button on Android that lets users switch between the most recent tweets and the most popular tweets.
Instagram has never tried an option like this is in the past, given the several schemes surrounding Instagram's algorithm, we may see the usual feed remain untouched, but new additions such as 'Latest Posts'.