For Sindhu Bharadwaj, most of her content creation time and efforts go into styling and photography, something that she loves the most.
Blogging has helped Sindhu Bharadwaj grow as an individual, helping him learn a plethora of new things. Her blog is her window to the worth, through which she has met some of the most amazing persons around without ever meeting them in person. She tells us more about her blog.
Looking back, where did it all begin?
It seems very surreal how it all began. It was so unlikely for me to enter the kitchen before wedlock and as destiny would have it, I travelled to the US on a dependent visa. I had to find means and ways to keep myself busy and creative, that’s when the culinary bug bit me. I started experimenting new recipes and my husband pushed me to start a blog so that I could use it as my own journal to refer back to my recipes should I forget them. But today, it’s given me an identity which I hadn’t even dreamt of.
What's in the name?
Honestly, it was just a random thought and Slurpy Platter just happened. Sometimes I wish I was more creative and quirky.
What is your USP in this cluttered space? How does your content give you an edge?
My recipes are very simple and don’t involve you to be in the kitchen for more than 2 hours, including the prep time. On the other hand, I love digging deeper into the local cuisines of Karnataka (especially from the Western Ghats) and the kind of medicinal value they add to your diet, something that I share with my readers too. There are innumerable recipes that are unheard of and unknown to us urbanites. It’s surprising how it all boils down to keeping every cell in your body happy, alive and healthy.
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Please take us through your content creation process. How do you stay relevant and relatable?
Just like how they say the customer is the king, likewise are my audience. It’s always community over competition and when you create unique, engaging content for your audience. So, if it’s something that excites me, it excites them and vice versa — I create content that’s relatable and easy to consume.
On the other hand, I let my styling and photography speak for themselves. It’s styling that takes a lot of time, but that’s the closest to my heart.
How do you make moolah with your efforts?
It’s not always about the moolah if you ask me. The biggest reward for a blogger is when your recipes are tried, tested and appreciated in the remotest corner of the world to those who didn’t even know of the dish.
But yeah, sometimes it’s through the ads, paid collabs with the brands that align with my sensibilities.
Also Read: Cooking at home helps Pravin Menon be a better food blogger
How do you maintain editorial objectivity with the influx of brand briefs?
Stay true to your principles: I built that even before I started working with brands. It’s important to remain faithful to that despite working with the best brands in the industry.
One instance/experience that made it all worthwhile
I would always wonder if I was gaining anything at all by spending so much time on blogging, photography, styling etc, but once my inbox was flooded with messages about how my pictures and styling and recipes have been an inspiration for so many. How there was a surge of joy when someone tried my recipes and their family enjoyed it fully. I think that was it. I realised that happiness is in the smallest of things. Giving it your fullest without expectations is the best way to keep your soul happy!
Weirdest brand brief/request ever
None that I can think of.
If not blogging, you would be?
Perhaps just another brick in the wall as a digital marketer or content marketer. Blogging has helped me grow as an individual, helped me learn so many new things and meet some of the amazing people around the world virtually even without meeting them in person. I’m so glad I chose to be this than anything else in the world. It’s the best thing that happened to me as a person, as a passion and as a vocation.
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A day in your life...
Packed! Just like a lunch box! From managing a toddler and the house to cooking, styling, shooting, cleaning the mess and blogging about it — the day is super packed with barely any wiggle room for myself. But It’s so much fun to be doing all this and pushing myself to learn something new every day.
Message/tips for upcoming bloggers
Don’t be just another ‘Influencer’. Find your niche and when you do influence people — do it mindfully of what is best for them, you and the world. Don’t just do it because someone else’s Instagram handle has a huge fan following. Create your own fanbase!
Your Favorite Influencer
I can’t possibly say one favourite and be done with it. There are so many who inspire me with their work, but the one who truly catches my attention is the one who promotes healthy vibes.
The Future you foresee for your Personal Brand
To create content that aligns with sustainable living and cooking more than anything else in the world.