
Content creation is a 24X7 process: Leenata

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Leenata tries to answer all possible queries and concerns people may have about a product in the content she creates around it.

A keen observer and reader, Leenata draws inspiration from things she sees on the street as well as a new product she comes across online. She loves to try new things and share her experiences with people. Staying up to date with trends helps her in the content creation process.

Looking back, where did it all begin? 

It was not really a planned process. I started my blog randomly when I was on a break a few years back. It kept me busy and happy and, also gave me a chance to share my perspective with the world in my style and my own words. Soon, it picked up, and I still continue with my passion for blogging along with my full-time job and definitely have no plans of stopping.

What's in the name? 

My blog majorly focusses on fashion, beauty and lifestyle. Through my articles and experiences that I share through my blog, I always wanted to add some extra dose (or as I say 'sprinkle') of style and sassiness into my readers' everyday life. After all, who doesn't want to be stylish, right? That's where the name Style Sprinklers was coined. 

What is your USP in this cluttered space? How does your content give you an edge?

I always consider all the possible queries, concerns, etc. anyone might have and include the answers in my content. Often, I even ask people around and then consider their points while writing. Also, for all the reviews, I actually test the products for a considerable amount of time, and, only then write about it. If I feel there is any concern, I make it a point to mention it.  If I don't believe in anything, I will never, ever share it with my readers in a powder-coated way.

Please take us through your content creation process. How do you stay relevant and relatable?

I believe my content creation and ideation process goes on 24/7. I am a keen observer and read a lot. There are many times when I suddenly come across an idea for next posts during my routine life. The inspiration might be something I saw on the streets, a new product I read about online, etc.

When it comes to reviews, my shopaholic nature comes to the rescue, I guess. I keep buying a lot of stuff and trying new things, and since I have tried these things/ products, I write about them on my blog and share my experience with the readers. With regards to staying relevant, I do keep a tab on trends, and hence, it becomes easier to be relevant with the changing times and behaviour of readers as consumers. Also, when I write, I always try to add some connect to the real world and real-life scenarios in the articles, which is what my readers love.

How do you make moolah with your efforts?

It is not that huge yet, and I truly hope it changes soon. But yes, a few brand collabs, events, etc. is something that I can consider for this. 

How do you maintain editorial objectivity with the influx of brand briefs?

Yes, it does happen a lot of times that we tend to get swayed away with the varied brand briefs. I thank my habit of reading and re-reading my write-ups at least 4-5 times before actually publishing them. Since I read them multiple times, at some point that transformation of mind from not just considering the brand brief but also keeping the whole objective of starting the blog intact happens, and that's how the objectivity is not lost. 

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One instance/experience that made it all worthwhile

I am not into full-time blogging, and hence it is not possible for me to reach out to brands and try and work out a collab, etc. Hence, it always feels special when brands reach out to me themselves for campaigns and collaborations, and that is when I feel that what I am doing is not really so bad. People do see it and find it helpful. So yes, having brands reach out to me themselves and requesting for collabs always makes me happy for the efforts I put in behind my blog. 

Weirdest brand brief/request ever

Haven't really received weird brand briefs. There have been few incidents when I get briefs from brands that aren't related to the niche I cover. Also, I have had some brands requesting me to write only positives, and if at all, I experience anything negative, I shouldn't mention it. I don't proceed with such briefs.

If not blogging, you would be?

If not blogging, I think I would have been travelling or painting or maybe into photography.

A day in your life...

It's never a fixed schedule. But yes, overall, the day consists of a lot of thinking, visualizing, ideation, reading, writing, researching, editing, being on social media and yes, spending some time with my family and friends (mostly over the weekends).  

Message/tips for upcoming bloggers

Be passionate, be genuine, patient, and always, always keep playing with your creativity. And most importantly, believe in yourself and your work. If you, yourself don't believe in it, you can't really expect others to find it worthy.

Your Favorite Influencer

There are many to be honest because everyone has their own way of sharing things and communicating with the readers. My most favourite ones are Mimi Ikonn and Malvika Sitlani. 

The Future you foresee for your Personal Brand

I surely don't want to be seen as just another blogger or influencer. I really want to grow it further and soon be among the top Indian bloggers/influencers list. Also, I want to create my content in more creative and unique ways, and I am already working on it and look forward to seeing a positive response from my readers.

style sprinklers Leenata style sprinklers Leenata influencer Leenata blogger Leenata indian influencers Indian Bloggers